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Volume 43

Duckzilla vs. Toros


One peaceful morning at Pearl City all of the people were doing their daily activities. The school bell rang as all the kids ran into the school. Big Bill the clock chimed telling the city that it was 8:30. Duckzilla was laying in his comfy nest (a dormant volcano he clogged with rocks and filled with trees.) His nest was about seven thousand miles from Pearl City but he could still hear the bell. Duckzilla opened one eye, closed it, yawned, and went back to sleep. A half an hour later Big Bill rang again. Duckzilla lifted his head, looked around, and stood up. He opened his wings and stretched. A guy talking on the phone in an office building saw him. He said, “Looks like the big loon just woke up.” Seeing Duckzilla was an everyday thing. Still, whenever Duckzilla flew by the school all the kids would run to the window in excitement. Duckzilla didn’t like flying by the school. Not that he doesn’t like kids, it’s because he knew he disturbed the class. Duckzilla yawned loudly starting an avalanche on a mountain nearby. That happened a lot and never affected anything. So Duckzilla ignored it and flew off to Pearl Bay for breakfast. Pearl Bay was Duckzilla’s favorite place to eat, play, and relax. Pearl Bay is kind of like a giant lagoon but it’s connected to land. It’s about eight hundred thousand miles across. This is where all of the freighters, cargo ships, cruise liners, fishing boats, and other boats come and go. Duckzilla landed far out in the water where there were no boats. His best friend Flaps who was half the size of him was there to greet him. Flaps and the rest of Duckzilla’s friends called Duckzilla “Giga.” “What’s up?” asked Duckzilla. “Small fish,” groaned Flaps. Duckzilla looked down. The fish weren’t as big as usual. “Early bird gets the worm!” said Flaps looking at the fishermen on the shore. They had loads of big fish. They also had one of the biggest fish in Pearl Bay. It was a flanker fish. They grew to be eighty feet long at the most. The one the fishermen caught was about forty-five feet. Flaps grinned his little grin as he looked at the fishermen. “What's so funny?” asked Duckzilla. “Wanna?” asked Flaps evilly. “Oh no!” said Duckzilla. “Don’t get any ideas!” To late. Flaps swam quickly towards the fishermen flapping his wings and madly quaking. The fishermen started running away. “Oh great,” said Duckzilla watching boats speed out of the way. All of a sudden, Flaps stopped in his tracks. Pearl Cities’ tallest building started falling. Flaps quickly flew away so he wouldn’t get hurt. The building smacked down hard on the water as another building fell over. Duckzilla quickly flew over to investigate. When Duckzilla landed he saw Toros the giant bull knocking over two more buildings. “Not you again,” said Duckzilla. “New and advanced,” snorted Toros as sparks shot out of his horns. “Oh, I’m so scared,” joked Duckzilla in a babyish voice.

“You will die like a hen Duckilla,” said Toros. 

“No!” said Duckzilla. “I will fight like a duck and you said my name wrong.” Toros snorted and charged at Duckzilla! Duckzilla dodged the attack but Toros’s agility was too much. When Duckzilla landed, KAPOOOW!!! Toros rammed into Duckzilla! Looking like a falling duck that got shot by a hunter, Duckzilla flew backwards smashing into buildings. Duckzilla, though injured started to get up. But Toros shot ice beams from his horns freezing Duckzilla to the buildings. “Ha, ha, ha!” laughed Toros. “Mega Squid will be proud.” Toros laughed again. “Now all I have to do is destroy this city,” said Toros. Toros ran back and forth destroying every thing in his path. People were running and screaming everywhere. It was probably the worst thing that ever happened in Pearl City. Could this be the end? Will Mega Squid conquer the universe? Do you think Duckzilla would really die that easy? Huh? THINK AGAIN!!! There was a loud cracking noise. Toros turned around. Duckzilla’s eyes were red! A beam shot from his eyes right through the ice. The beam hit the cloud. The cloud exploded and water went everywhere. The ice around Duckzilla shattered! Duckzilla looked really mean. “Nice ducky!” said Toros backing away. Duckzilla stomped towards Toros. Toros charged at Duckzilla. Duckzilla held out his wing. Toros hit the wing, but the wing was solid! Toros flew backwards with his horns dent. “Your beef!” said Duckzilla grabbing Toros by the horns. Duckzilla lifted Toros and swung him around! He threw Toros and watched him go over the horizon. There was a big splash where Toros hit the water. Everybody cheered! Duckzilla opened his wings and flew back to the bay. Flaps was there with the Quack Patrol. Duckzilla landed next to Flaps as the Quack Patrol started to leave. “Did it go well?” asked Flaps. “Not really,” Said Duckzilla looking at the half-destroyed city. All of a sudden Duckzilla’s stomach growled. Him and Flaps looked at the water. There wasn’t a fish in sight. “Darn that Quack Patrol!” said Flaps.

The End