User:Fishman343/Technological Supremacy
[edit]Technological Supremacy is theoretical "roof" of the Technology Tree, which is a hypothetical "requirements list" for certain products, which can ignite further research and investication into the that topic. Once this point is reached, there will be no further need to research anything because we will already know everything that is possible to know. It will be possible to do absolutely anything anywhere in all of everywhere. We are currently quite far from this supreme goal and the only way to reach such a goal would be to increase scientific output substantially. It should be a major goal of mankind and should be held as a major issue. It should also be heavily considered by most scientists and scientifically-based organizations. This is expressed in the following quote from The French Embassy's article "Global competition for technological supremacy - President Chirac sets out France’s policy on research and innovation"
"The bill will reaffirm the importance of basic research for our country, not only because the advancement of knowledge is a legitimate aim in itself, but also because it paves the way for future applications."
This article presses a very important issue in modern society. That issue is the acceptance and utilization of modern technology.
Support Reasoning
[edit]This modern Technology can be used to enhance the day to day lives of all citizens of Planet Earth. This may help cure and possibly eradicate deadly viruses and diseasaes such as Malaria and Tuberculosis. This would be a major step in securing the global population's health and it would save neumorus lives. The harnessing of such technologies would also give mankind an edge on developing other cures. The technology developed at the time we reach this "roof" would also give a significant amount of necessary tech that would help mankind persue its dream of colonising space. These colonies wouldn't only open up entirely new worlds for possible colonization, but it would also give us the extra resources needed to build an interstellar empire. This utilization of modern technologies would assist in many processes, hence the creation of advanced compuer sytems, and the functions of other sciences and industries such as NASA, Apple Software and products, Dell computer products, medical procedures, advanced alternate energy soursces, advanced space shuttle and spacecraft propultion systems, life support systems, and advanced communication and transportation methods.