Given a probability space and a measurable space , a stochastic process is a family of stochastic variables , that is a map
- ,
such that for all the map is --measurable.
If is finite or countable, is called a point process.
Example: Poisson Process
A poisson process is a counting process, that is a stochastic process {N(t), t ≥ 0} with values that are positive, integer, and increasing:
- N(t) ≥ 0.
- N(t) is an integer.
- If s ≤ t then N(s) ≤ N(t).
Poisson Distribution
The poisson distribution of intensity of a stochastic variable , is a probability distribution given by the probability mass function
For the poisson distribution to be a well-defined distribution, we need to check that . Indeed,
Then, also, exists for every subset , since is bounded by one and a monotonic growing function in , since is positive for all .
The expected value of a stochastic variable X following poisson distribution is computed as (link Expactation value of a discrete random variable) :
Expactation value of a discrete random variable
Let be a discrete stochastic variable. Then the expected value of can be calculated as
It is for , we have
- .
Binomial Distribution
The binomial distribution with parameters n and p of a stochastic variable , is a probability distribution of X given by the probability mass function
If X follows the binomial distribution with parameters n, the number of independent experiments, and p, the probability for one experiment to give the answer "yes", we write K ~ B(n, p).
We have
The expected value of a stochastic variable X following the binomial distribution is calculated as (link Expactation value of a discrete random variable) :
Its variance is given by
where we used the computational formula for the variance in . (uncomplete proof!)
Spiketrains and instanteous firing rate (article)
Reference: Poisson Model of Spike Generation - David Heeger
A spike train of n spikes occuring at times , is given as function
which is more sophistically known as the neural response function.
The number of spikes N, occuring between two points in time , is computed as
Because the sequence of action potentials generated by a given stimulus typically varies from trial to trial, neuronal responses are typically treated probabilistically. One (very simple) way to characterize the probabilitistic behaviour of the firing of a neuron is by the spike count rate r, which is given by
The spike count rate be determined vor a single trial period, or can be averaged over several trials. Another possible way of characterization