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Fernando Buarque[edit source]


Fernando Buarque de Lima Neto is a Brazilian computer scientist and Artificial Intelligence researcher. He is professor of AI at the School of Engineering (POLI) of the University of Pernambuco (UPE), Recife-Brazil.

Life[edit source]


Fernando Buarque was born in Recife-Brazil in 1965. He was educated in Brazil and in 1998 he went to UK.

In 2002, he obtained his PhD at Imperial College London, at that time part of the University of London.

In July 2003, he moved from the UK to Brazil, where he joined the University of Pernambuco.

In 2007 he introduced the Fish School Search (FSS) a swarm intelligence family of algorithms able to automatically switch between exploration and exploitation. Among many other smart functionalities are encompassed in the many variations available such as: multimodal (wFSS), many-objective (wmoFSS), mixed-data type (mFSS), and cultural (cwFSS).

In 2013, his team organized the first BRICS Congress ever (BRICS-CCI2013), versing on Computational Intelligence, in Porto de Galinhas-Brazil.

In 2014, with Latin American colleagues he creates the Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), which congregates researchers from the region on the field.

In 2018, with colleagues from UJ, he published one of the first books on AI for children (My-First-AI-Book).

International Appointments[edit source]


Honorary Professor              – College of Engineering, Mathematics & Physical Sciences (CEMPS) of University of Exeter, England

Visiting International Professor  – School of Business and Economics (FB4) - European Research Center (ERCIS) of University of Münster (WWU Münster), Germany

Visiting Professor                  – School of Electrical Engineering (FEBE) of the University of Johannesburg (UJ), South Africa

Adjunct Professor (external) – Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) of Texas A&M University (TAMU), USA

Awards and Honors[edit source]


Life Member (2020, Chair #87) – Academy of Science of Pernambuco (APC), Brazil

Research Ambassador (2018/9) – University of Münster, Germany (WWU)

Humboldt Fellow (2014) – Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany

Senior Member (2007) – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA

Laureate Cadet (1984) – Brazilian Army (Infantry/IT Corps), Reserve Officers Academy of Recife (CPOR/R), Brazil.

Leadership Positions[edit source]


Board Member                      – Science and Technology State (of Pernambuco) Foundation (FACEPE), Brazil

Research Group Head          – Computational Intelligence Research Group (CIRG) at UPE, Brazil

Steering Committee Chair    – Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI)

Advisory Board Member       – Institute for Intelligent Systems (IIS) at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa

External References[edit source]

  1. Full-CV (Brazilian Platform - LATTES) [In Portuguese]
  2. Official page
  3. Research Gate page
  4. Google Scholar page
  5. ORCID page
  6. DBLP page
  7. Publons (Web-of-Science) page
  8. Scopus page
  9. Semantic Scholar page
  10. Genealogy of Mathematics page
  11. Linked-In page