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User:Exuwon/Sandbox/Templates/Template:Table of electromagnetic constants

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Symbol Value[1] (SI units) Relative Standard Uncertainty
magnetic constant (vacuum permeability) 4π × 10−7 N·A−2 = 1.256 637 061... × 10−6 N·A−2 defined
electric constant (vacuum permittivity) 8.854 187 817... × 10−12 F·m−1 defined
characteristic impedance of vacuum 376.730 313 461... Ω defined
Coulomb's constant 8.987 551 787... × 109 N·m²·C−2 defined
elementary charge 1.602 176 487(40) × 10−19 C 2.5 × 10−8
Bohr magneton 927.400 915(23) × 10−26 J·T−1 2.5 × 10−8
conductance quantum 7.748 091 7004(53) × 10−5 S 6.8 × 10−10
inverse conductance quantum 12 906.403 7787(88) Ω 6.8 × 10−10
Josephson constant 4.835 978 91(12) × 1014 Hz·V−1 2.5 × 10−8
magnetic flux quantum 2.067 833 667(52) × 10−15 Wb 2.5 × 10−8
nuclear magneton 5.050 783 43(43) × 10−27 J·T−1 8.6 × 10−8
von Klitzing constant 25 812.807 557(18) Ω 6.8 × 10−10


  1. ^ The values are given in the so-called concise form; the number in brackets is the standard uncertainty, which is the value multiplied by the relative standard uncertainty.