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User:EverettYou/Spectral Function

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General Formalism


Spectral function is defined from the imaginary (skew-Hermitian) part of retarded Green's function


The spectral function contains full information of the Green's function. Both the retarded function and the Matsubara function can be restored from the spectral function,




As related by the Kramers-Kronig relation, the real part of G and the spectral function A are of opposite parity. If (the real part of) G(-ω)=G(ω) is even, then A(-ω)=-A(ω) is odd and


If (the real part of) G(-ω)=-G(ω) is odd, then A(-ω)=A(ω) is even and


Diffusive Dynamics


For diffusive dynamics, the Green's function is given by


where H is the Hamiltonian governs the diffusion rate, and the metric η is the matter number operator. η is always positive definite for fermion system, but not necessarily for boson system.

The spectral function is therefore


Diagonal Hamiltonian


Consider the Hamiltonian in its diagonal representation,


where n labels the energy level .

The Green's function is


The spectral function is


SU(2) Hamiltonian


The SU(2) Hilbert space is a dim-2 space equipped with unitary metric , any Hermitian operator acting on which is a SU(2) Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian can be represented by the 2×2 matrix, which can be in general decomposed into Pauli matrices and ,


The Green's function is given by


The corresponding spectral function reads,


where and .

SU(1,1) Hamiltonian


The SU(1,1) Hilbert space is a dim-2 space equipped with metric , any Hermitian operator acting on which is a SU(1,1) Hamiltonian. Still take the Hamiltonian in terms of Pauli matrices


Note that the metric is not definite. The Green's function is given by


By introducing , , , , one finds


such that the result in the previous section can be used, yielding


and the spectral function


where , and


For the SU(1,1) Hamiltonian, its parameters should satisfy the condition , otherwise h will be imaginary, and the spectrum will not be stable.

Wave Dynamics




Taking Imaginary Part


Technically the Im is taken by factorizing the denominator and using the identity


derived from which, the following formula will be useful,


Numerical Handling of δ Functions


See Also



  • Gerald D. Mahan (2000). Many-Particle Physics (3rd Edition). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Pulishers. ISBN 0-306-46338-5.