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User:EverettYou/Notes on QFT

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Some notes prepared for the improvement of the following articles.

Action Formalism


In statistical field theory, the partition function reads

$Z\equiv e^{-F}=\int\mathcal{D}[\psi]\,e^{-S[\psi]}$.

In the path integral formalism, the free energy (functional) $F$ is obtained from the action $S$ by integrating out the $\psi$ field, denoted as a transformation from the action into the free energy.

$S[\psi]\overset{\int\psi}{\longrightarrow} F.$

The factor $\beta$ (inverse temperature) has been absorbed into the (dimensionless) free energy $F$.

Quadratic Action


If the action is of quadratic form

$S[\psi]=\psi^\dagger\cdot K \cdot\psi,$

then Gaussian integral can be performed to obtain the free energy, and hence the correlations of the field. The operator $K$ is the kernel of the action, whose explicit form depends on the dynamics of the field. The following two types of dynamics are of interests.

Diffusive Dynamics


Equation of motion


In the frequency representation ($\partial_\tau=-\mathrm{i}\omega$),


So the kernel of the action is

$K = -\mathrm{i}\omega + H.$

The convension is that $H$ is of the same sign as $K$ (or the action $S$), because the path integral is derived from $Z=\operatorname{Tr} e^{-H}$. As a consequence, every term lowering from the action (or raising to the action) will aquire a minus sign.

Wave Dynamics


Equation of motion in imaginary time ($\tau=\mathrm{i}t$),

$(-\partial_\tau^2 + \Omega^2)\cdot\psi=0.$

In the frequency representation ($\partial_\tau=-\mathrm{i}\omega$),

$(-(\mathrm{i}\omega)^2 + \Omega^2)\cdot\psi=0.$

So the kernel of the action is

$K = -(\mathrm{i}\omega)^2 + \Omega^2.$

Here $\pm\Omega$ plays the role of boson energy.

Free Energy


Free energy is obtained from the action by integrating out the field

$F=\operatorname{sTr}\ln K.$

sTr denotes the supertrace, which equals to Tr for bosonic fields and -Tr for fermionic fields.

The Matsubara frequency summation can be carried out given the specific form of the kernel $K$. For diffusive dynamics, the result is

$F=\operatorname{sTr}\ln(1-\eta e^{-\beta H}).$

For wave dynamics, the result is

$F=2\operatorname{Tr}\ln 2 \operatorname{sinh}\frac{\beta\Omega}{2}$ (bosonic),
$F=-2\operatorname{Tr}\ln 2\mathrm{i} \operatorname{cosh}\frac{\beta\Omega}{2}$ (fermionic).

Correlation of Fields


Connected Diagrams


To probe the field correlation, a source term coupled with the field is introduced. The quadratic action becomes

$S[\psi]=\psi^\dagger\cdot K \cdot\psi - J^\dagger\cdot\psi - \psi^\dagger\cdot J.$

Integrating over the field leads to the free energy with source

$F[J]=\operatorname{sTr}\ln K -J^\dagger\cdot K^{-1}\cdot J,$

where $\eta$ depends on the statistics of the field (bosonic: $\eta=+1$, fermionic: $\eta=-1$).

The negative free energy $\ln Z[J]=-F[J]$ serves as the generator of connected diagrams (i.e. the cumulants),

$\langle\psi(1)\psi^\dagger(2)\cdots\rangle_\text{con}= - \left.\delta_{J^\dagger(1)}\eta\delta_{J(2)}\cdots F[J]\right|_{J=0}.$

Note that the arrangement of the derivatives $\delta_{J^\dagger}$, $\eta\delta_J$ should follow the same ordering as that of the fields $\psi$, $\psi^\dagger$ in the vacuum expectation value (the ordering is particularly important for the Grassmann field). Note that each $\eta\delta_{J}$ operator must carry a statistical sign $\eta$, because the operator must commute through the field $\psi^\dagger$ to reach the field $J$, i.e. $\eta\delta_{J}\psi^\dagger\cdot J=\psi^\dagger\cdot\delta_{J}J=\psi^\dagger$, which will cosume the sign $\eta$. Intuitively, $-F$ can be considered as a kind of averaged $\langle -S\rangle\sim\langle J^\dagger\cdot\psi + \psi^\dagger\cdot J\rangle$, therefore applying the derivative operators on $-F$ yields the fields.

Bilinear Correlation


Define the bilinear correlation function (aka Green's function)

$G \equiv -\langle \psi\psi^\dagger \rangle_\text{con} = -\longleftarrow = - K^{-1}$.

It is diagrammatically represented as a line propagating from right to left (creation followed by annihilation, representing $\langle \psi\psi^\dagger\rangle_\text{con}$) with a minus sign in the front. The bilinear correlation function can be evaluated from

$\langle \psi\psi^\dagger \rangle_\text{con}=-\delta_{J^\dagger}\eta\delta_{J}F[J]=\delta_{J^\dagger}\eta\delta_{J}J^\dagger\cdot K^{-1}\cdot J=K^{-1}.$

This result is universal for both bosonic and fermionic fields.

Reversing the ordering leads to transpose of the correlation function and a statistical sign $\eta$ (+1 for bosons, -1 for fermions),

$\langle (\psi^\dagger)^\intercal \psi^\intercal \rangle_\text{con} = \eta (K^{-1})^\intercal = - \eta G^\intercal.$

So the advantage of defining the propagator as $-\langle\psi\psi^\dagger\rangle$ other than $\langle(\psi^\dagger)^\intercal\psi^\intercal\rangle$ is to avoid both the transpose field indices and the statistical sign dependancy.

Effective Action


Response to Perturbations


The response to perturbations is simply obtained by partial derivatives. By introducing the Green's function $G=-K^{-1}$, the results can be written in a compact from: to the first order

$\partial_\mu F= -\operatorname{sTr} G\cdot\partial_\mu K,$

and to the second order,

$\partial_\mu\partial_\nu F= -\operatorname{sTr} G\cdot\partial_\mu \partial_\nu K - \operatorname{sTr} G\cdot\partial_\mu K\cdot G\cdot\partial_\nu K.$

This is because by definition $G\cdot K=-1$, so $\partial (G\cdot K)=0$, from which we have $\partial G = G\cdot \partial K \cdot G$.

Beyond Bilinear Form


Consider trilinear vertex terms


Tree Diagram


Integrating out field ψb results in the effective action for ψa.


This correspond to a tree diagram, which leads to the effective interaction of the field ψa.

Loop Diagram

Standard loop diagram.

Integrating out field ψa results in the effective action for ψb.


which may be expand to the 2nd order of ψb


This corresponds to a loop diagram, which gives the self-energy correction Σa to the action kernel Ka


such that Ka → Kaa.

Appendix: Gaussian Integral


If the field action is in a quadratic form of the field, Gaussian integral can be performed to obtained the effective action.

Real Field and Majorana Field


With source J:


Complex Field and Grassmann Field


With source J:


See Also
