- aspheterism is the denial of the right to private property.
- autosoterism belief that one can obtain salvation through oneself
- bitheism belief in two gods
- bonism the doctrine that the world is good but not perfect
- collegialism theory that church is independent from the state
- diphysitism belief in the dual nature of Christ
- ditheletism doctrine that Christ had two wills
- eidolism belief in ghosts
- experientialism doctrine that knowledge comes from experience
- holobaptism belief in baptism with total immersion in water
- hylicism materialism
- hylopathism belief in ability of matter to affect the spiritual world
- hylotheism belief that the universe is purely material
- immoralism rejection of morality
- malism the belief that the world is evil
- neovitalism theory that total material explanation is impossible
- nullibilism denial that the soul exists in space
- numenism belief in local deities or spirits
- panaesthetism theory that consciousness may inhere generally in
- pancosmism theory that the material universe is all that exists
- panegoism solipsism
- pansexualism theory that all thought derived from sexual instinct
- panspermatism belief in origin of life from extraterrestrial germs
- panzoism belief that humans and animals share vital life energy
- pejorism severe pessimism
- perfectibilism doctrine that humans capable of becoming perfect
- predestinarianism belief that what ever is to happen is *probabiliorism belief that when in doubt one must choose most likely answer
- psychism belief in universal soul
- psychomorphism doctrine that inanimate objects have human mentality
- psychotheism doctrine that God is a purely spiritual entity
- sacramentarianism belief that sacraments have unusual properties
- self-determinism doctrine that the actions of a self are determined by itself
- somatism materialism
- spatialism doctrine that matter has only spatial, temporal and causal properties
- stercoranism belief that the consecrated Eucharist is digested and evacuated
- substantialism belief that there is a real existence underlying phenomena
- thanatism belief that the soul dies with the body
- theocentrism belief that God is central fact of existence
- theopantism belief that God is the only reality
- theopsychism belief that the soul is of a divine nature
- titanism spirit of revolt or defiance against social conventions
- tolerationism doctrine of toleration of religious differences
- transmigrationism belief that soul passes into other body at
- tychism theory that accepts role of pure chance
- ubiquitarianism belief that Christ is everywhere
- Aravis
- Erlian
- Fledge
- Lady of the Green Kirtle
- Jewel the Unicorn
- Hwin
- Maugrim
- Miraz
- Puddleglum
- Rabadash
- Reepicheep
- Prince Rilian
- Shasta
- Prunaprismia
- Puzzle the Donkey
- Shift the Ape
- Tash
- King Tirian
- The Tisroc
- Mr. Tumnus
- The White Witch
- Doctor Cornelius
- Seven Brothers of Shuddering Wood
- Duffle
- Bricklethumb
- Rogin
- Nikabrik
- Trumpkin
- Thornbut
- Poggin
- Diggle