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Beechwood is situated in Runcorn, Cheshire. It is next to palacefields aswell.



Beechwood has Two pubs, One of which is a community center with a swimming baths and an event room. Dancing classes are held there aswell as other activities.

Places Of Interest


- The Death Slide, Appropriatly named due to its steep slope.
- The Woods, Stretching right from the border of East and West Beechwood (Otherwise known as the 'Army Tunnel', to the far west of Beechwood.
- The Field, mainly occupied by locals playing football or golf or something.
- The Army Tunnel, Starting at the bottom of Wisenholme close, exiting at the big roundabout.
- The Pond, Swarming with old bikes and peices of wood.
- The Horses Field, Its got horses it has.
- The Train tracks, Just a big track with a bridge.



Adam capewell.

Recognisable Provinces


Arndale Close
The Train Bridge
Wisenholme Close



Beechood has 2 primary schools. Hillview and Beechwood Primary. Hillview is oddly better than Beechwood school.



In Beechwood, People either play football on the Field or go to the shop. Thats it. sometimes go swimming in the baths.



Over 9,000,000,000,000,000,000 years ago, god said 'Let there be BEECHWOOD!' and there was beechwood.