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About Me


Hey, my name is Ella Kolbert and I am a college student. I enjoy working out and staying fit. I love being outside and doing anything that involves being outdoors. I love spending time with my friends and going on hikes and traveling to new places with them. I am also really into sports my two favorite sports are volleyball and basketball. My dream job would be to work in the hospital as a nurse. I have always wanted to be a nurse ever since I was a child. So I plan to pursue a career in nursing one day and work in the hospital.

My Wikipedia Activities

What I plan to do on Wikipedia is make changes to things that I know are not true. I also plan on adding information to pages that are missing that information. I plan to fix pages that are grammatically incorrect. I also plan on adding new pages to Wikipedia about many different things. I will mostly be using this class for my English class to further my understanding of certain topics. I will also look into topics that interest me such as nursing. An interesting fact about nurses is the first established nursing school was in India 250 BCE [1]

Article Evaluation


I have always been interested in bands and have always loved music made by different bands. So I decided to I chose to do my article evaluation on bands. I visited the article called band (rock and pop) on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: the lack of citations that don't prove authenticity, the article does not state the global emphasis on bands, and the article needs to be rewritten to comply with Wikipedia's quality standards.

Global Emphasis


In most articles about bands, I have realized that there is usually a part that says global emphasis. This article about bands it does not include that. There was a global emphasis from different bands all over the world. So I believe it should have been there that there was an emphasis from bands.



I noticed in the article the lack of citations. Since there are so few citations listed that do not prove the authenticity of the article. It is also stated at the front of the article that there since there are so few citations listed on the article that fails to rove verification on the article.

Quality Standards

On the front page of the article, it says that this article may need to be rewritten because it does not meet Wikipedia quality standards. I believe it said that the contents were not correctly laid out.


Overall, I would rate this article as okay. Looking at the information written in the article it all looks correct but it does not meet Wikipedia standards. There are not enough citations in the article to prove authenticity and verification. There are only 12 citations in total and since the article about bands is such a vast topic there should be more since bands are so different. Overall the information written in the article looks correct but I feel that more information and citations could be added to make the article more authentic.

