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Now for something completely different

Today I learned
  • The different parts of a Sundial have names. For example, the gnomon is the part that casts the shadow (as compared to, you know, 'the-sticky-upy-bit', like everyone I have ever heard refer to it by).
  • The total power output of the Sun is approximately 385 Yotta-Watts.[1]
  • About the Thanks Log! (can be used to look up anyone's thanks)
  • That doyen is not a made-up or turkish word. (it means 'the most respected or prominent person in a particular field'. wikt:doyen)
  • Furthermore in the 'things with names you wouldn't think would have names' category: Those funny off-color, staggered stone blocks on the corners of big buildings? Those are quoins. ~shrug~ Who knew?
  • Okay, so we know how a Yotta is a lot of something?(see above) Well, it turns out, that "a lot of years specifically" is yet another 'thing with a name you wouldn't think would have one.' I present to you: the Myr. (wait, that's cheating! It's just short hand. Who comes up with this stuff? What the duck? Well, at least it's got Terraseconds in it, that's kinda cool, I guess. (Ooh, and that link has Sexagesimal in it, which is kinda neat too. Okay, add it to the list, I guess.))
  • That the present particple of munge is actually wikt:munging, not wikt:mungeing. Sarcastically: "Thanks, English"
  • Convivally, Convvally... Convivaly Convivially is not a friendly word, despite definitions. (I blame the French, personally)
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