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Without further ado, I love (tangible and intangible) about life in Sweden. The social welfare system: Free education and health care, for starters. (Mostly free, at least.) Once you’ve got your personal number, you’re on your way. Yeah! Everyone speaks English: Makes it so easy to get around for tourists and expats alike. Extensive paid parental leave: From before your due date to a year after the day when you give birth, you get government support based on your income, plus your job is waiting for you when it’s time to go back. There are about a million different ways to make the system work for you and your family, so it’s best that all would-be mothers check out the official government information at this link. Oh, and it’s for Dads, too. Food culture: Bring on the pickled herring and pastries, baby! Now i will try to make Wikipedia a better place too!