Between the powerful modules LWP::Simple, XML::Simple and MediaWiki and the mediawiki API, this script is able to do a hell of a lot in only 84 lines.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use LWP::Simple; use XML::Simple; use URI::Escape; use MediaWiki; my $c = login(); my $cat_list_url = '<CMSTART>&format=xml'; my $user_blocked_url = '<USERLIST>&usprop=blockinfo&format=xml'; my $cmstart = ''; my $done = 0; my $count; until ( $done ) { my $url = $cat_list_url; $cmstart = "&cmstart=$cmstart" if ($cmstart); $url =~ s|<CMSTART>|$cmstart|; print "Fetching a page of 20 users in the category...\n"; my $xml = XMLin(get($url)); $cmstart = ${$xml}{'query-continue'}{'categorymembers'}{'cmstart'}; my $ra_userlist = ${$xml}{'query'}{'categorymembers'}{'cm'}; my $user_list; foreach my $rh_user (@{$ra_userlist}) { ${$rh_user}{'title'} =~ m|User( talk:)?(.*)$| || die ${$rh_user}{'title'}; $user_list .= uri_escape($2).'|' } chop($user_list); my $url = $user_blocked_url; $url =~ s|<USERLIST>|$user_list|; print "Checking if they are blocked...\n\n"; my $xml = XMLin(get($url)); my $rh_userlist = ${$xml}{'query'}{'users'}{'user'}; foreach my $userkey (keys(%{$rh_userlist})) { my $rh_userdata = ${$rh_userlist}{$userkey}; if (${$rh_userlist}{$userkey}{blockreason}) { my $summary = 'Removing cat, user blocked by [[User:'.${$rh_userlist}{$userkey}{blockedby}.']] with the reason: '.${$rh_userlist}{$userkey}{blockreason}; remove_cat_from_page($userkey,$summary); } } $done = 1 unless ($cmstart); $count++; } print "Read $count pages\n"; sub remove_cat_from_page { my ($title,$summary) = @_; my (@prefixes) = ('User talk:', 'User:'); foreach my $prefix (@prefixes) { my $page_name = "$prefix$title"; print "Downloading: $page_name...\n"; my $page = $c->get($page_name, 'rw') || die; if ($page->{'content'} =~ s/\[\[Category:(Wikipedia usernames with possible policy issues|Usernames editors have expressed concern over).*?\]\]//ig) { print "Succeeded in removing at least one instance of the category: $1\n"; print "Saving...\n"; $page->{'summary'} = $summary; $page->save(); print "Done.\n\n"; return 1 } else { print "I did not see the category on that page...\n\n"; } } return 0; } sub login { open(USER,'username');sysread(USER, my $username, -s(USER));close(USER); open(PASS,'password');sysread(PASS, my $password, -s(PASS));close(PASS); warn "Connecting to Wikipedia...\n"; my $c = MediaWiki->new; $c->setup ({ 'bot' => {'user' => $username,'pass' => $password}, 'wiki' => {'host' => '','path' => 'w'} }) || warn "Failed to log in\n"; my $whoami = $c->user(); warn "$whoami connected\n\n"; return $c; }