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User:Duong203/Field recording

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Field recording often involves the capture of ambient noises that are low level and complex, and, in response, the requirements from the field recordist have often pushed the technical limits of recording equipment, that is, demanding low noise and extended frequency response in a portable, battery-powered unit. For this reason, field recordists have favoured high-quality (usually professional) recorders, microphones, and microphone pre-amplifiers. The history of the equipment used in this area closely tracks the development of professional portable audio recording technology. Modern accessories used in the field include, but are not limited to: windscreens (foam, fur, hair, parabolic reflector), shock mounts, microphone cables, digital audio recorders and so on.[1]

Field recording is typically recorded in the same channel format as the desired result, for instance, stereo recording equipment will yield a stereo product. In contrast, a multitrack remote recording captures many microphones on multiple channels, later to be creatively modified, augmented, and mixed down to a specific consumer format.

Field recording experienced a rapid increase in popularity during the early 1960s, with the introduction of high-quality, portable recording equipment, (e.g., the Uher, and Nagra portable reel-to-reel decks). The arrival of the DAT (Digital Audio Tape) in the 1980s introduced a new level of audio recording fidelity with extended frequency response and low self-noise. In addition to these technologies, other popular means for field recording have included the analog cassette (CAC), the DCC (Digital Compact Cassette), and the MiniDisc. The latest generation of recorders are completely digital-based (hard disk/Flash). It is also possible to use personal electronic devices, (e.g., a smartphone or tablet), with software, to do field recording and editing.

In addition to recording and editing, the process of field recording also involves these skills. Ability to monitor (observe the relevant signals to ensure recording and settings are correct), control levels (correct decibel range and headroom), create neat documentation (handling, annotating, and tagging the recorded material), clean up (cutting out unwanted noises, processing, etc.), and file management.[2]

Basic Techniques


There are three basic techniques that involve the placement of field recording microphones which result in varying directivity. The three techniques are known as A/B, XY, and M/S.



In other words, A/B is known as the spaced pair. A/B, or the spaced pair is formed by setting two separate microphones (either cardioid or omnidirectional) in parallel with one another. There is intentional space left between the two microphones in order to capture a wide stereo image of a desired sound. This technique is often utilized in an indoor recording of multi-string instrumental settings, music ensembles, and so on.[2]



XY is the most frequently used stereo recording technique. It typically involves setting a complement pair of microphones in a coincident (XY) pattern. This technique is used to replicate the way in which our ears function (see binaural hearing). XY as a technique is dependent on the delay of sound that arrives at one of the microphones a miniscule fraction of a second sooner than the other. This way, the technique produces a remarkably rich sense of ambiance. However, there is a downside to this technique, as it is fixed in the way that widening or shrinking to control the ambiance is not a possibility.[2]



Unlike XY, the M/S technique was created to allow for control over the level of ambiance. The logic behind it is that the Mid microphone functions as a center channel, and the Side microphone adds additional ambiance that can either be intensified or subtracted. This can take place either live during the recording or afterwards during editing.

Physically the layout involves a directional microphone as the center, with an omnidirectional microphone placed 90-degrees off-axis from the sound source. This layout captures the central microphone's signals from the side. During the editing phase, the audio track from the Side microphone is required to split into two channels, with left (panning set to 100% L), and right (at 100% R).

One of the two sides (right or left), should be processed by reversing their phase. Visually, it involves flipping the desired wave upside down, which increases the sense of ambiance due to a minute misalignment between the two.[2]

New Techniques


Newly developed techniques include the creative placement of microphones, (including contact microphones and hydrophones, for example), the diffusion of captured sounds, and individual approaches.



A field recordist is an individual that works to produce field recordings. Typically the work involves recording sound outside of a controlled environment like a studio (field recording is an analog of studio recording), to be used or repurposed as sound effects that get inserted into all sorts of media, such as plays, video games, films, and television shows. A career as a professional field recordist is a tough, but potentially rewarding one. A field recordist must often face ever-changing weather, be patient, and willing to capture sounds in potentially dangerous locations. A typical day could range from recording ambient noise in a library to recording the thundering sounds of a grand waterfall. Just as the recordings can vary, the amount of work can as well. Most typically work as freelancers with other side jobs to support the slow periods of recording.[3]

Brief Early History of Field Recordings


The timeline begins roughly around the 1930s for field recordings. The distinction between whether field recordings are art or music is still ambiguous, as they still serve both purposes.[4] Some early proponents of this important, yet unknown field comprise of examples like Walter Ruttman's Weekend (which was a radio piece put together from recording of daily life in Berlin), and Ludwig Koch's 'sound-books' (which educated listeners in species identification using gramophone records of birdsong). These field recordings and many others ended up being stored in vinyl to be sold to enthusiasts, hobbyists, and tourists alike a few decades later in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s.

In relation to those vinyl records, the concept of steam train sounds also seemed to be a kind of fetish or obsession for mid-20th century record collectors, as their nostalgia and obsolete transportation mode is reflected in the current feel for vinyl.[5]




Béla Bartók using a phonograph to record Slovak folk songs sung by peasants

Field recording was originally a way to document oral presentations and ethnomusicology projects (pioneered by Béla Bartók, Charles Seeger, and John Lomax). In the case of Bartók, his own studies helped alter the generally unfavorable view of Eastern European folk music at that time. He grew to admire numerous regional styles from both firsthand experience and recordings, eventually incorporating these styles into his own compositional works.[6]



Field recording is an important tool in bioacoustics and biomusicology, most commonly in research on bird song. Animals in the wild can display very different vocalizations from those in captivity. Ambient noise in urban environments have also shown to alter the vocalizations of local bird populations.[7]

In addition to birds, whales have also been frequently observed using field recordings. In recent years, COVID-19 has had largely negative effects on the world as a whole, but through recent field recordings, it has been shown that whales have been less stressed and generally more healthy. This is due to a large decline in international commerce and naval shipping during the pandemic, and by extension much less noise and disturbance in the ocean's soundscape.[8]


  1. ^ "Accessories". Retrieved 2022-04-15.
  2. ^ a b c d "Field Recording". www.sfu.ca. Retrieved 2022-04-15.
  3. ^ "Music Industry Career Roles - Berklee Online". online.berklee.edu. Retrieved 2022-04-15.
  4. ^ "Issue Information - TOC". The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 74 (3): 225–226. 2016-07. doi:10.1111/jaac.12302. ISSN 0021-8529. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  5. ^ Gallagher, Michael (2015-06). "Field recording and the sounding of spaces". Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 33 (3): 560–576. doi:10.1177/0263775815594310. ISSN 0263-7758. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  6. ^ Cedarville University; Nelson, David (2012). "Béla Bartók: The Father of Ethnomusicology". Musical Offerings. 3 (2): 75–91. doi:10.15385/jmo.2012.3.2.2.
  7. ^ Warren, Paige S.; Katti, Madhusudan; Ermann, Michael; Brazel, Anthony (2006). "Urban bioacoustics: it's not just noise". Animal Behaviour. 71 (3): 491–502. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2005.07.014. S2CID 53154343.
  8. ^ "Why whales in Alaska have been so happy". BBC News. 2021-08-04. Retrieved 2022-04-15.