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Cockburn Central station
Track layout
Presumed based on current works (Landgate) and textual descriptions.
Presumably missing crossovers exist somewhere.
Grantham Street



1956: https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/departmentofplanninglandsheritage/media/mapping/mrs/19560907_mrs_development_order_no_1_map_3_swan_river_areas.pdf

  • Stephenson Hwy exists as some kind of major road with a route that is further from Herdsman Lake. Also doesn't connect to Mitchell Fwy, but that's possibly because Mitchell doesn't curve around Osborne Park and instead goes north. Possibly goes on same north alignment as 1962, but will need to confirm.

Up to 1963 otherwise already covered.

  • Swanbourne route, large, regular and triangular Mitchell Freeway interchange reserve. Interchange reserve reminiscent of Hamilton Interchange, possibly, but is larger in size.

1962-1966, etc.: https://archive.sro.wa.gov.au/index.php/controlled-access-highways-stephenson-avenue-parent-1962-0917 and links on page

  • Mentions land resumptions for "Stephenson Avenue (Herdsman Lake to Hepburn Avenue)". This suggests Stephenson was either thought of as the name for Mitchell Fwy, that it was thought of as the continuing route while Mitchell was terminating, or maybe just misnaming. Since can't actually see the records, unsure how much weight to put on this.
  • They also refer to a separate "Yanchep Highway" and that "North Perimeter Highway" travels between it and Great Northern Highway as well as Marmion Ave, suggesting Yanchep Hwy is Mitchell Fwy. They do refer to Mitchell Fwy in 1962 as well, but only appears to be used in context of Narrows Bridge, Mounts Bay, Hamilton Interchange, etc.

1965 (Nov): https://www.legislation.wa.gov.au/legislation/prod/gazettestore.nsf/FileURL/gg1965_107.pdf/$FILE/Gg1965_107.pdf?OpenElement (page 1-2)

  • Proclaims "Stephenson Avenue Controlled Access Road", but no map, so cannot see what this refers to. Presumably Stephenson Ave in Mt Claremont, but again, unsure

1967: https://www.legislation.wa.gov.au/legislation/prod/gazettestore.nsf/FileURL/gg1967_054.pdf/$FILE/Gg1967_054.pdf?OpenElement

  • Only Mitchell Freeway interchange to edge of Hale Rd covered. Seems identical to 1963 within this section.

1970-1974: Landgate

  • Bold Park Dr constructed sometime during this time
  • Only a small part of Montgomery Ave constructed (small section from Alfred Rd that is part of Pine Tree Lane today)

1976: https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-1376233793

  • Uses same Swanbourne route. Note Mitchell Freeway interchange reserve - small, far north.
  • Mitchell Fwy in general looks very different around that area, which is strange

1982: multiple sources

  • Apparently when Amendment 410/33 MRPA was passed, which rerouted Stephenson to "western edge of Bold Park" route, away from Bold Park Dr, Perry Lakes Dr, Stephenson Ave south.

1982-1984: See Wikipedia article on Mitchell Freeway

  • Mitchell Freeway extended through Stephenson Hwy area. Based on Landgate showing sand in current Stephenson reserve, possibility that they considered constructing Stephenson at the time. Need further info on planning documents, etc.
  • Note that Landgate actually only shows sand in 1985 images (when Cedric St bridge is finished), whereas Cedric St sand exists in 1983 images.

1984: https://library.dbca.wa.gov.au/static/Journals/080239/080239-232.pdf (page 126)

  • Kind of bad quality picture, but can confirm some things. Uses "western edge of Bold Park" route. Mitchell Freeway interchange is hard to see but possibly thickened to allow loop ramps. Their dashed Stephenson Highway seems to intersect Fwy south of Cedric St (which is now shown). This is not specifically marked as Stephenson Hwy, but a dashed line continuing from the marked Stephenson essentially takes modern WCH and Curtin Ave alignment south of Rochdale Rd.

1986 (Nov): https://www.legislation.wa.gov.au/legislation/prod/gazettestore.nsf/FileURL/gg1987_027.pdf/$FILE/Gg1987_027.pdf?OpenElement

  • Page 5: crap quality MRS map, but can confirm some things. Uses "western edge" route. Mitchell Fwy interchange is a bit hard to see but more visible than 1984. It is unclear what parts of interchange reserve are for Stephenson vs Cedric, but Stephenson first widens (approaching Mitchell perpendicularly), then there's the "bulge" shape. So when combined, kind of irregular. Would be difficult, if not impossible, to go from Mitchell northbound to Stephenson southbound based on shape
  • Interchange seems larger than "pre-city centre" version: seems like it would extend to that additional curved line on left in them.

1990: See Wikipedia article on Stirling station and Stephenson Ave

  • Claims Stephenson Highway road reserve ran over southern end of Stirling platforms at this time. Doesn't specify whether this is original 100 m platform or the 50 m extension to the south made. Mentions several types of interchanges were proposed for Stephenson Highway as a result, but little detail.

1990 (Nov): https://legislation.wa.gov.au/legislation/prod/gazettestore.nsf/FileURL/gg1990_135.pdf/$FILE/Gg1990_135.pdf?OpenElement (page 3-4)

  • Stephenson Ave from "WCH to Underwood Ave" (or "WCH and Rochdale Rd intersection" to Underwood), i.e. Mt Claremont section, is no longer controlled-access or a main road

1992 (Jul): https://www.epa.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/PER_documentation/A0729_R0658_CER.pdf (page 22):

  • Shows a map of a potential Stirling City Centre, including Stephenson Highway. Depicts a diamond interchange with SBR, road underpass at Howe St, and then north-facing ramps only onto Freeway, with also connections to existing Cedric St ramps. Seems to be largely, if not exactly, same as later DPI study Alternative 1

1992 (Dec): https://library.dbca.wa.gov.au/static/StaffOnly/023242.pdf (NOTE: they fixed bug and now gives 403 forbidden)

  • Page 112 mentions "current" Stephenson Hwy alignment (would be "western edge") was added to MRS in 1982 (Amendment No. 410/33, MRPA, 1982)

1993 (August): https://www.epa.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/PER_documentation/A0635_R0744_PER.pdf

  • Page 93 shows "western edge of Bold Park" alignment as current MRS alignment.
  • Page 114 mentions this "western edge" alignment was added to MRS in 1982 (Amendment 410/33 MRPA), and previous route "followed Stephenson Ave Claremont, Perry Lakes Dr, and Bold Park Dr". Also confirms Stephenson Ave would terminate in Innaloo. Seems to also suggest Stephenson Hwy would run from North Fremantle.
  • Page 115 mentions Road Reserves Review Committee apparently published their report recommending route change (to "potential" alignment described below) in 1991.

1994 (June): https://www.epa.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/EPA_Report/1428_B744.pdf

  • Page 13 shows "current" ("western edge of Bold Park") and potential (similar but not identical to "shared Oceanic Dr" route - one significant difference being use of Bold Park Dr) Stephenson Hwy alignments through Bold Park.
  • Page 31 mentions "Road Reserves Review Committee" recommended to delete current reserve from Oceanic Dr to Rochdale Rd, which Main Roads agrees with.
  • Anyway, this means current "shared Oceanic Dr" route has not yet been adopted at this time.

1994-1995: Media Statements

  • "Stirling Link Road" completed. Transport Minister is defensive about it not being the highway but also being in the right place for it.

1998 (Nov): https://www.epa.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/EPA_Report/EPA-bulletin_0360.pdf

  • Page 8-11: Stephenson Hwy reserve through Herdsman Lake proposed for realignment as part of Floreat Lakes development. Goes from "Pearson perpendicular" to "Pearson shared" route.
  • This did happen as that is now the route, but since this predates any MRS amendment, unsure when amendment was made.

2001 (June): https://parliament.wa.gov.au/hansard/hansard.nsf/0/28772582eaab086dc825757000149eb7/$FILE/C36%20S1%2020010612%20p905b-907a.pdf

  • Page 1: Jim Scott claims the plan for a "second north-south primary route" was formalised in a 1982 MRS amendment. He claims the "original plans" were "based on an alignment starting at Stephenson Hwy in the north, then proceeding down Davies Rd, across the Point Resolution-Point Walter bridge, and then down from Stock Rd". However, "with the declaration of the western suburbs highway reserve, the route was deviated along Servetus St into Curtin Ave. There is was proposed to cross the railway to join Stirling Hwy in Mosman Park, and then through to Fremantle", etc. This was later altered to remain on Curtin Ave and Port Beach Rd until it joined Stirling Hwy via Tydeman Rd.
  • It is unclear whether he means the 1982 amendment was the "original plan" or whether this altered the original plan. The amendment he refers to is likely (but not necessarily) the Amendment 410/33

2002 (Oct): https://web.archive.org/web/20120325164041/http://www.planning.wa.gov.au/dop_pub_pdf/mrs100_18-Oct-2002.pdf

  • Mostly just here for reference. Does not seem to be any different from 2012 one

2004 (Mar): https://web.archive.org/web/20220929100731/https://archives.stirling.wa.gov.au/minutes/M_A_A/Tech%20Serv/TS_2004_0323_AT_ED2.pdf

  • "DPI" study into possible alignments of Stephenson-Freeway interchange. Alternative 3 seems quite similar to one being constructed today. Alternative 1 seems most freeway-like: full grade separation (incl. over SBR), connection to north side of FWY only. Alternative 2 is a mix of both, seemingly.

2004 (Apr): https://parliament.wa.gov.au/hansard/hans35.nsf/f3f374a52da3a5b048256ac3001de95f/a3ee6c9c73811ea648256f820029d380/$FILE/C36%20S2%2020040407%20p1815b-1836a.pdf

  • Page 13: Jim Scott claims the Fremantle Eastern Bypass was part of the "western suburbs highway", which was "never intended to go anywhere near Fremantle" and instead would travel down Davies Rd, go through (or near) Charles Court's house in Dalkeith, cross the river at Point Resolution, and join Stock Rd. He claims the WSH was rerouted to Curtin Ave and Stirling Hwy, or "along Port Beach and across Tydeman Rd". I have not seen an MRS map depicting this, nor does it appear in the Stephenson report.

2007 (Nov): https://web.archive.org/web/20120327221602/http://www.planning.wa.gov.au/dop_pub_pdf/mrs100_2007-Nov-29.pdf

  • Again, mostly just here for reference

2008: apparently IKEA opened their store. This suggests reservation no longer covers IKEA

2011 (Jan): https://parliament.wa.gov.au/publications/tabledpapers.nsf/c41d5695f20b386348256b0200183f75/8fb59880b12342dd4825785700126793/$FILE/3199.pdf

  • Page 132: mentions "FRCAH/Stephenson Highway network" was "proposed in the 1970s". Unsure if this means "in modern form" or "as a freight network", or anything else.

2011 (Oct): from https://www.wa.gov.au/system/files/2021-05/PRJ-Stirling_project_summary.pdf

  • Page 6: effectively, Stephenson Ave north rezoned to City Centre with MRS Minor Amendment 1173/57, gazetted Oct 2011

2012 (Mar): http://web.archive.org/web/20120325231824/http://www.planning.wa.gov.au/dop_pub_pdf/mrs_a4.pdf and http://web.archive.org/web/20120326053227/http://www.planning.wa.gov.au/dop_pub_pdf/mrs_a3.pdf

  • I think these are latest MRS I could find without City Centre (kind of weird they are 2012 while MRS rezoned in 2011, but whatever)
  • Mitchell Fwy has "bulge" around Stephenson interchange, along with perpendicular Stephenson

2013 (Dec): https://web.archive.org/web/20210414193500/https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/getmedia/669d504f-d567-4ca7-9b19-f2f242fa244d/PRJ_stirling_integrated_transport_strategy

  • Page 31 and 73 shows potential Stephenson Hwy tunnel route. Tunnel seems to only connect to northern side of Mitchell Fwy.
  • Page 77 mentions provision for a "tunnel for road and/or rail" was "part of the agreement to remove the historical Stephenson Avenue freeway reserve".

2014 (Dec): https://www.wa.gov.au/system/files/2021-06/PRJ-Stirling-City-Centre-Structure-Plan.pdf

  • Page 17 confirms northern part of Stephenson is now in "Development Zone" rather than "primary regional roads" or whatever
  • Page 21 shows proposed Stephenson Ave route: from Pearson/JSD only, but further north to connect to Karrinyup Rd
  • Page 133 shows proposed tunnel routes

Possibly 2021 (May): https://www.wa.gov.au/system/files/2021-05/PRJ-Stirling_project_summary.pdf

  • Page 6: effectively, Stephenson Ave north rezoned to City Centre with MRS Minor Amendment 1173/57, gazetted Oct 2011
  • Page 11: submitted a business case for Stephenson Ave extension to Cedric St in Nov 2011, but this was not supported at the time

2022 (Dec): https://www.perthnow.com.au/local-news/perthnow-western-suburbs/town-of-cambridge-back-stephenson-avenue-investigation-to-link-with-city-of-stirling--c-9007032

  • ToC backed study for Stephenson Ave construction between Empire Ave and Pearson St

Contemporary: http://inherit.stateheritage.wa.gov.au/Admin/api/file/7ea9ccc8-e3e3-0b98-4e8f-8b9d5277e826

  • Page 16: mentions MPRA Amendment 410/33 had "MRPA Report: Western Suburbs Primary Road" released in Nov 1981 regarding that (at the time proposed) amendment.
  • Page 17: mentions MPRA Amendment 410/33 was gazetted 12 Nov 1982

To add: Stirling archives, etc. If can get them: prev links down without apparently being saved to archive.org.