Long legged Argentinan cat (latin; Argentum longa crura cattus), a very rare spiece of a cat, there are only two confirmed observations of mentioned breed of its kind in the wild - Buenos Aires(2004) and Rakek/Unec/Hribce/Upper Carniola(2021), theres a high chance, were talking of a same female, physical characterystics:long sleek body with long hair and extremly long legs. Very suspicios to strangers, be aware - long claws, potentially deep scars, which needs medicine curation! Needs a lot of time to let someone close to her, once obtained confidence, she can get more gentle(not always, so caution still needed!) Natuar habitat: rooftops of houses - do not try to call her, Kitty, kitty come to me. Better call 911 imediatelly. Mentioned breed is extremelly endagered, only one female confiremd seen its natiral habitat as from 06/28/2021.