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User:Dima2511000/Night and Cold

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"Nachts steht Hunger"
Song by unknown
English titleAt night there is hunger
Genrewar song
Composer(s)Thomas Pefferman
Lyricist(s)Erich Scholz
Producer(s)Werner Angress

«Nachts steht Hunger" (from German - "Night and Cold") is a song of the German youth movement. It was first published in 1934 in Günter Wolf's book Songs of the Treatise. The author of the text and melody is unknown, there is a suspicion that it was created in the tradition of Karl Christian Müller and its author is Erich Scholz.



It was a song for the German youth movement. A song about the defeated West Russian Volunteer Army that fought against the Soviet Union along with the Freikorps (Iron Division) in the Baltics in 1918-1919. The West Russian Volunteer Army consisted of liberated Russian prisoners of war and was created by the German Empire before the end of the war. According to Werner Angress, the song “Nachts steht Hunger” glorifies the Don Cossack Choir of Sergei Zharov. lost the Russian Empire as a result of the victory of the revolution, and in the last stanza, foreigners must earn their living by singing. ”The song was part of the permanent repertoire of the youth movement, as it was thematically well suited as a model. According to Thomas Pefferman, white émigrés were "not only a musical role model for many people, but also victims of the communist regime, so they offered themselves for identification, especially after 1933." Bushehr tells the press that the song was sung in labor groups after 1933 and contained "countless words of our thoughts and feelings".



1. Nachts steht Hunger starr in unserm Traum, tags die Schüsse knallen her vom Waldessaum.

Elend hält mit den Kolonnen Schritt, und in Frost und Nebel ziehn die Wölfe mit.

Noch fliegt Russlands heiliger Adler Mütterchen unser

Blut gehört nur dir, mag das rote Heer uns auch jagen, leuchtend steht noch immer das Panier.

2. Ach, dahin ist stolze Macht, keine Glocken klingen durch die rote Nacht.

Postenschritte, keine Freiheit mehr, hinter Stacheldraht steht stumm ein müdes

Heer- Einer singt die alten Lieder, lockt uns Schwermut und Sehnsucht aus der

Brust, wild und trotzig klingt es wieder, im Vergessen liegt die alte Lust.

Und als Heer, das keine Heimat hat,

Menschen kommen, hören unser Lied. Weiter geht die Fahrt, der Ruhm uns Sinnlos blüht.

Heimat, Heimat! summen die Chöre, tausendfältig ersteht uns neu dein Bild,

Glockenläuten unsre Tenöre, Orgelbässe klingen dumpf und wild.



Night and cold embraced our camp,

We are exhausted from severe wounds.

We will sing a song with hope

We will march through the fog with wolves.

All the same, the Russian banner winds!

Mother Russia, we serve only you!

Let the flag proudly fly over us

In memory of a lost country!

There is no strength of the former glorious years:

Few shells, few victories.

Our sentry guards our sleep,

The red demon does not give peace at night.

Let's remember the past in an old song

The Slavic spirit is still alive in the hearts!

We will never accept otherwise

The fire of honor has not yet gone out in us!

So we made our way from city to city.

There is no native country on the native land.

We pass - the song flows into the distance,

And on our faces only sadness.

"Where is our Rus', you are holy" -

Weeping pours throughout the former country.

The native land is on fire,

The blood of the people freezes on the ground.

All the same, the Russian banner winds!

Mother Russia, we serve only you!

Let the flag proudly fly over us

In memory of a lost country!

Literary Variant


Nachts steht Hunger starr in unserm Traum,

Tags die Schüsse knallen her vom Waldessaum.

Elend hält mit den Kolonnen Schritt,

Und in Frost und Nebel ziehn die Wölfe mit.

Noch fliegt Russlands heiliger Adler

Mütterchen unser Blut gehört nur dir,

Mag das rote Heer uns auch jagen,

Leuchtend steht noch immer das Panier.

Ach, dahin ist stolze Macht,

keine Glocken klingen durch die rote Nacht.

Postenschritte, keine Freiheit mehr,

hinter Stacheldraht steht stumm ein müdes Heer-

Einer singt die alten Lieder,

lockt uns Schwermut und Sehnsucht aus der Brust,

wild und trotzig klingt es wieder,

im Vergessen liegt die alte Lust.

Und als Heer, das keine Heimat hat,

ziehn wir ausgewiesen nun von Stadt zu Stadt.

Menschen kommen, hören unser Lied.

Weiter geht die Fahrt, der Ruhm uns Sinnlos blüht.

Heimat, Heimat! summen die Chöre,

tausendfältig ersteht uns neu dein Bild,

Glockenläuten unsre Tenöre,

Orgelbässe klingen dumpf und wild.


At night, hunger destroys a dead dream,

During the day, bullets groan with the wind in unison.

Poverty creeps under the wolf howl

Through frost and mist - a timeless convoy.

The sacred banner is alive, the banner is beating!

Mother, only yours and blood and dust.

Let the red beast rush after us

Your Eagle shines in the sky.

Where is the proud power of the times?

On a red night, the song of God is not heard.

We must listen to the hour step -

We are entwined with barbed wire.

Someone remembered the old songs

Releases the heaviness from our chest.

Their audacity from pain is more wonderful,

Passion excites memory.

We are now without a home, without a country,

Everywhere we are doomed to be strangers.

The song flows, the path leads forward,

Glory on blood is meaninglessly blooming.

Native home! - the choir calls involuntarily,

Your image endlessly torments us.

The tenor is like a bell ringing,

Dick and deaf, organ bass sounds.

The sacred banner is alive, the banner beats!

Mother, only yours and blood and dust.

Let the red beast feed on us

Your Eagle shines in the sky.


  1. Thorsten Mergen: . B&R Unipress, Göttingen, 2012, ISBN 978-3-89971-943-7, p. 177. ^Go to: a b Thomas Peffermann: . 2nd edition. Cologne, 1996, p. 71 . ↑ Unknown author: Songbook archive. B: Heart of Thorns. April 11, 2007, retrieved November 27, 2022. ↑ The words and sages of Erich Scholz (known as "Olka") from 1934. ^ Heike Müns: Walther de Gruyter, 2005, ISBN 978-3-486-57640-5, p. 218. ^ Werner T. Angress: Hentrich Edition, 2005, ISBN 978-3-89468-271-2, p. 106 . ^ cited by Wilhelm Schepping: In: Heike Muens (ed.): R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich, 2005, p. 218 .

[[Category:White movement]] [[Category:German-language songs]] [[Category:Works about the Russian Empire]] [[Category:Songs about Russia]] [[Category:German patriotic songs]] [[Category:Russian-language songs]]