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User:DhudCSU/Peromyscus maniculatus

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Peromyscus maniculatus


The Peromyscus maniculatus, often referred to as the North American Deer mouse, is a species that is located in North America.[1] This species is closely related to Peromyscus leucopus, known as the white-footed mouse that is also found throught North America.[2]

Physical Discription


The Peromyscus maniculatus is known to have a multitoned coloration on its body. The average size can range between 3-5 inches inches with the median being around 4 inches (or 10cm) in length. Often distiguishable by their white colored feet, this species of mice have incredible manuverabilty, along with site and hearing, to be able to escape predators. Life span typically ranges between 4-5 years.[3]



This species can be found mostly along the North Ameican continent including the United States, Canada, and Alaska but are not limited to ranging in South America as well.[4] The main habitat selection of this species ranges between high density forrested areas open grasslands and praires. Habitat structure for this species is mainly due to them being the main prey for many animals in the places that they inhabit.



Deet mice diets range from seeds, smaller insects and even plants. They are considered oppertunistic to an extent and their diet mainly reflects the type of environment and location they are currently in as well as the rotation of the seasons. [5]



1.) Lacky J,A. Reproduction, Growth, and Development in the Yucatan Deer Mouse, Peromyscus yucatanicus, Journal of Mammalogy, Volume 57, Issue 4, 10 December 1976, Pages 638–655

2.) Langlois, Jean P.; Fahrig, Lenore; Merriam, Gray; Artsob, Harvey (2001-04-01). "Landscape structure influences continental distribution of hantavirus in deer mice". Landscape Ecology. 16 (3): 255–266. doi:10.1023/A:1011148316537. ISSN 1572-9761.

3.) Everett, Richard L.; Meeuwig, Richard O.; Stevens, Richard (1978). "Deer Mouse Preference for Seed of Commonly Planted Species, Indigenous Weed Seed, and Sacrifice Foods". Journal of Range Management. 31 (1): 70–73. doi:10.2307/3897641. ISSN 0022-409X

4.) "Peromyscus maniculatus", Wikipedia, 2019-11-20, retrieved 2019-11-20

5.) "White-footed mouse", Wikipedia, 2019-11-20, retrieved 2019-11-20

  1. ^ "Peromyscus maniculatus", Wikipedia, 2019-11-20, retrieved 2019-11-20
  2. ^ "White-footed mouse", Wikipedia, 2019-11-20, retrieved 2019-11-20
  3. ^ "Peromyscus maniculatus", Wikipedia, 2019-11-20, retrieved 2019-11-20
  4. ^ Langlois, Jean P.; Fahrig, Lenore; Merriam, Gray; Artsob, Harvey (2001-04-01). "Landscape structure influences continental distribution of hantavirus in deer mice". Landscape Ecology. 16 (3): 255–266. doi:10.1023/A:1011148316537. ISSN 1572-9761.
  5. ^ Everett, Richard L.; Meeuwig, Richard O.; Stevens, Richard (1978). "Deer Mouse Preference for Seed of Commonly Planted Species, Indigenous Weed Seed, and Sacrifice Foods". Journal of Range Management. 31 (1): 70–73. doi:10.2307/3897641. ISSN 0022-409X.