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User:Deckiller/List of Star Destroyers

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The following is a list of unique Star Destroyers and Star Destroyer classifications in the fictional Star Wars Universe. Star Destroyers are a classification of fictional starships with a length of 600 meters or longer built with the intent to destroy or deter, and having a triangular prow and a compliment of starfighters.


Accuser, operating in deep space.]]

The H.I.M.S. Accuser was a Galactic Empire Imperial I-class Star Destroyer captained by Captain Firmus Piett. It was part of the Galactic Empire's Storm Squadron, and was sent to ambush Princess Leia and the Rebel Alliance Corellian Corvette Tantive IV over Tatooine in the events of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. After that successful action, it was reassigned to Death Squadron, the nine Imperial- and Victory-class Star Destroyers guarding the massive Executor-class Super Star Destroyer Executor, pride of the Imperial Starfleet and flagship of Lord Darth Vader.

Tycho Celchu was also assigned to this Star Destroyer as a TIE fighter pilot just before the destruction of Alderaan, ironically, his homeworld was destroyed by the Death Star, a moon-sized battlestation capable of destroying planets with the superlaser, an extremely powerful energy beam. He was calling his father by HoloNet for his birthday, when the screen dissolved into static. After two weeks, and no reply, Tycho learned of the Death Star's implication in this event, and when he went on leave on Commenor, he never returned to the Accuser, and defected to the Rebel Alliance.

In Death Squadron, the Accuser began a downward slide. The squadron was involved in the action against the Rebels evacuating Yavin IV following the destruction of the first Death Star. During this battle, Admiral Griff was killed, which resulted in a promotion opportunity and Captain Piett's reassignment to command the Executor.

Even though the Battle of Hoth was a total rout for the Rebels, Han Solo, Princess Leia, and the Wookiee Chewbacca were able to escape into the Hoth Asteroid Field in the Millennium Falcon, where it hid from TIE bomber attacks for several hours. However, it slipped past the literal and figurative nose of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Avenger and escaped to Bespin. Even though Admiral Piett did his duty, Death Squadron was blamed by Darth Vader for failing to catch a dilapated freighter even with the most advanced combat technology of the galaxy. When Executor temporarily left its escort of Star Destroyers behind for Darth Vader to report to Emperor Palpatine, the Accuser was named flagship of Death Squadron and the captain was promoted to the rank of Fleet Admiral.

It rejoined the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer Executor directly before the Battle of Endor, where it was part of two dozen Imperial Star Destroyers set alongside the Executor to ambush the Rebel attack fleet that was due to attack the Death Star II.

Even after the destruction of the Executor and the Death Star II, the Imperial defense fleet continued to fight against the Rebels for several hours. Chewbacca came up with the idea to infiltrate the Accuser with the captured Lambda-class shuttle Tydirium. The Wookiee, along with Han Solo and Captain Judder Page's commandos in captured stormtrooper armor, were able to gain control of the bridge, posing as Death Star II survivors. They then sounded a hull-breach alarm, forcing all other crewmen to evacuate. They had unwittingly given a fully operational and fearsome Imperial I-class Star Destroyer to the Rebel Alliance-renamed-New Republic. The H.I.M.S. Accuser was then renamed the N.R.S. Emancipator. A second Imperial Star Destroyer was also captured over Endor: the H.I.M.S. Adjudicator, which was renamed the N.R.S. Liberator.

The newly renamed Emancipator's first mission was to attack the Galactic Empire stronghold world of Borleias. It used its powerful five dozen turbolasers to take down the planetary shields, and troopships then deployed starfighters and shuttles down to take the planet. However, things went terribly wrong when the planetary shields reactivated, dashing most of the troop shuttles and killing them, and a formerly unknown planetary ion cannon fired, destroying starfighters, shuttles, and temporarily disabling the Emancipator.

It then took point position in the Eighth Battle of Coruscant, also known as the Galactic Civil War Liberation of Coruscant, where the New Republic would retake the mighty galactic capital world from of the Galactic Empire and Ysanne Isard. Alongside the Liberator, the Emancipator opened fire on the undermanned garrison of two Imperial Star Destroyers and a Golan space defense station. The Emancipator and Liberator were able to get a few unchallenged volleys off, because their crews were unprepared, and were still confused that the former Accuser and Adjudicator had opened fire on them. However, eventually, they uncovered the ruse, and the battle exploded as the Mon Calamari cruisers Home One and Mon Remonda entered, with a whole fleet of smaller support ships, including Nebulon-B frigates, Corellian Corvettes, retrofitted freighters, and starfighters. The fleet, under the command of Admiral Ackbar, promptly destroyed the Golan battlestation and captured the two Galactic Empire Star Destroyers. The decisive capture of Coruscant gave the fledgling and inept government of the New Republic legitimacy in the eyes of planets or those still in Galactic Empire jurisdiction.

It also fought during the Emperor Reborn crisis. It led the New Republic at the First Battle of Dac, otherwise known as the Battle of Mon Calamari. When the important shipyards world came under attack by the Galactic Empire's World Devastators, gigantic juggernauts that consumed ships and planets for fuel to make robotic starfighters or vehicles, Admiral Ackbar commanded the defense of the valuable planet. Several MC80 Star Cruisers were sent to evacuate the populace, and they were escorted by Blue and Green Squadrons. Then, the Emancipator, Mon Remonda, and a unit of starfighters to go to the besieged world and hold off the Galactic Empire siege force until Admiral Ackbar. could arrive with a more substantial combat fleet. Promptly, the Emancipator reverted to realspace, and found the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer Allegiance in its path, transmitting battle data to Emperor Palpatine on Byss. The Emancipator engaged the unshielded Super Star Destroyer, and other capital ships came to the aid of the Emancipator. Finally, after some intense combat with the Super Star Destroyer, the Emancipator was engaged by a World Devastator. It was then drawn in by the tractor beams of a World Devastator, and disintegrated into its constituent molecules, and transformed into war machines of the Galactic Empire.



The H.I.M.S. Agonizer was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer under the command of Admiral Teren Rogriss, a brilliant Imperial tactician and a moral and ethical man, unlike his fellow officers and commanders. He brought civilization to many worlds, and participated in humanitarian projects. When Warlord Zsinj fell, Rogriss fought Admiral Ackbar for whatever was left of Zsinj's empire. Ackbar won in the end, and the Agonizer was forced to retreat.

Some years later, the Agonizer was the staging point for a team of Imperial diplomats (four elite pilots for the 181st Fighter Wing, under the command of General Phennir) to the unallied but valuable planet of Adumar. However, the New Republic was also invited to the negotiations, and there was tension in the air that the two orbiting and opposing Star Destroyers (Agonizer against Allegiance) would attack each other if their side's negotiations went downhill.

Then a civil war broke out on the planet, with one faction led by General Phennir and the other by General Wedge Antilles, the New Republic diplomatic convoy leader. Phennir lost, and he fled to the Agonizer. Meanwhile, Rogriss defected to the New Republic, abiding by his code of ethics after he realized the Empire was corrupted by infighting. Apparently, a lower-ranking officer took command of the Star Destroyer and retreated to Imperial space.

Later, the Agonizer returned to Adumar to take over the planet. It was escorted by the Imperial Star Destroyers Master Stroke and Retaliator, and a flotilla of smaller support ships. However, Adumar was defended by the New Republic Imperial Star Destroyer Allegiance and two Mon Cal cruisers. While Wedge engaged Phennir in a savage one-on-one battle, the capital ships engaged each other. However, New Republic fighters broke through and severely damaged the Master Stroke. The Agonizer retreated once again with its escorts, leaving Adumar allied with the New Republic.

Avenger II


The H.I.M.S. Avenger II was an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer and the flagship of Executor Sedriss, a Dark Jedi who served as the commander-in-chief of the reborn Emperor Palpatine in the Second Emperor Reborn crisis 10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV.

It fought in the Second Battle of Balmorra, deploying Imperial ground forces on the ground to battle Balmorran droid units. Balmorra was an important technology and industrial world that was in the service on the Galactic Empire, churning out combat droids, until the Rebel Alliance burst into Balmorra to claim the planet as their own, after the Galactic Empire defeat in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor. Then, Balmorra began selling its droids independently, to the highest bidder. In the chaos of the Galactic Civil War, Balmorra was forgotten by the fleets of the Galactic Empire. However, Balmorra allied with the Galactic Empire after the conception of the first clone of Emperor Palpatine. However, after the death of the first clone of Emperor Palpatine, the Balmorrans, under Governor Beltane, changed sides, and agreed to help the New Republic be supplying them with a steady line of combat droids.

The second clone of Emperor Palpatine saw this treachery, and commanded Executor Sedriss, his right-hand-man, to take over the planet in the Avenger II. Sedriss demanded the surrender of Balmorra to the Galactic Empire, but Beltane refused. In response, Sedriss's four Star Destroyers, who did not encounter any orbital resistance, began to land 36,000 stormtroopers, 700 AT-ST walkers, 382 SD-9 combat droids (massive droids several times higher than a human), and an unknown number of Shadow Droid starfighters near the capital of Bin Prime. By cutting off the head of the rancor, the Executor hoped he could take over the rest of the world by controlling the capital city. Yet, they were engaged by a small group of Balmorran infantry and SD-10 combat droids. The Balmorrans had known there would be a battle like this, and the SD-10 series had been built specifically to destroy the older SD-9 models that Balmorra had formerly supplied to the Galactic Empire.

The SD-9 attack group was decimated, but Sedriss had anticipated that the Balmorrans had a secret weapon like that, and unleashed a swarm of Shadow Droids - fearsome and swift starfighters with cyborg processors linked to the Dark Side. They combined the analytical powers of combat computers, the innovativeness of an organic mind, and the power of the Dark Side of the Force. They were armed with two laser cannons, an ion cannon, a repeating blaster cannon, an EMP blaster, a concussion missile launcher, a proton torpedo launcher, and stealth coating. The Shadow Droids repeatedly strafed the exposed SD-10 group, thinning their ranks and allowing the bulk of the Imperial attack force to retreat.

However, Beltane had anticipated this turn of unusual events, and unleashed Balmorra's newest droid: the X-1 Viper Automadon reconnaissance walker. It was armed with two blaster cannons, two laser cannons, and two frontal grappling metal pincers that could snatch low flying vehicles, like snowspeeders. Yet, the X-1 series had a secret ability: full-body molecular shielding. It was essentially a deflector supershield: it could reflect any energy weapon that was blasting at the Viper Walker, back at its sources. The Shadow Droids were destroyed, helpless with all their weapons, tactics, and electronic countermeasures against impervious technology.

At that point, Executor Sedriss knew the battle was lost, and conducted negotiations with the Balmorrans. Beltane and Sedriss finally were able to work out terms that Balmorra would keep its freedom and government, yet they would sell the X-1 line exclusively to the Galactic Empire.

Sedriss, in the Avenger II, returned back to Byss, the capital planet of the second clone of Emperor Palpatine and the throneworld of the new Galactic Empire.

Bail Organa


The G.A.S. Bail Organa is an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer that was one of a trio of Galactic Alliance Imperator-class Star Destroyers named after influential figures in the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic: the Bail Organa, Elegos A'Kla, and Mon Mothma. All three of them were constructed over Coruscant approximately 27 years after the Battle of Yavin IV. The Bail Organa, unlike her two sister ships, was not equipped with gravity well generators, making the Bail Organa unable to project a gravitic hyperspace interdiction field.

The Bail Organa was the flagship of Fleet Group Two in the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of Coruscant and its commander, General Garm Bel Iblis. When the Yuuzhan Vong invasion armada neared the firing range of the Galactic Alliance defense fleet's batteries, they had a sacrificial shield of captured civilian freighters they used as an improvised defensive tool. While Admiral Kre'fey of Fleet Group One hesistated to open fire on the freighters, Garm Bel Iblis on the Bail Organa, did not demonstrate any reluctance, firing on the freighters until they were destroyed, and then opening fire on the Yuuzhan Vong attack fleet. However, in the end, the numerical superiority of the Yuuzhan Vong won out, and the Galactic Alliance defense fleet jumped to hyperspace after Coruscant fell to the Yuuzhan Vong. The Bail Organa was one amongst the hundreds of retreating Galactic Alliance warships.


Black Asp


The H.I.M.S. Black Asp, later renamed the N.R.S. Corusca Rainbow, was an Imperial Immobilizer 418-class (Interdictor) heavy cruiser commanded by the female human Captain Illior. Its first appearance in Star Wars literature was about a year after the Battle of Endor, when it was in an interdiction mission to trap the Corellian smuggler yacht Pulsar Skate in the Chorax system. Black Asp waited at the fringes of the system as the vessel entered from hyperspace, readjusted its course, and began to maneuver for a second jump. Then, Illior brought her 600-meter warship next to the yacht by an intrasystem hyperspace jump, and brought up the four GX-7 gravity well generators. This strange tactic stunned the two-man crew of the modified Baudo-class yacht, and it took the smugglers several seconds to initiate evasive procedures after the Black Asp opened up with its twenty quad laser batteries and launched two squadrons of TIE Interceptors.

However, its mass shadow in hyperspace also pulled out the Rebel Alliance X-wing Rogue Squadron, an elite unit of pilots led by Commander Wedge Antilles. Although the Rebel starfighters were not affiliated with the besieged Pulsar Skate, Wedge reasoned that the enemy of his enemy was his friend, and ordered the marooned elite squadron to assault the Interdictor. On the way in, the two dozen TIE Interceptors veered to intercept the X-wings. They were decimated by the Rouges, but Lieutenant Corran Horn was hit by an ion cannon blast from the Black Asp and was disabled, his electronics disabled (this means that the Black Asp was upgraded with at least one ion battery).

The other eleven X-wing pilots were able to launch their lethal proton torpedoes at the Black Asp, forcing Illior to cut power to the interdicting gravjectors and to shunt all power to shields. This bought enough time for the Rogues to scramble, and the Pulsar Skate also swung by to pick up Corran's fighter before they jumped to hyperspace.

After the Battle of Chorax, Captain Illior was debriefed by the Imperial Intelligence agent Kirtan Loor, whose mission was to annihilate Rogue Squadron. Agent Loor was able to identify the Rogues by flight patterns and communication intercepts. However, he punished the starfighter coordinator officer aboard the Black Asp by transferring him to another station (one of Thrawn's warships in the Outer Rim: the Mark II Imperial Star Destroyer Reckoning, commanded by Delak Krennel)for the TIE Interceptors' general incompetence: namely, their failure to kill any Rogues. Illior was furious, and defected to the now politically weak New Republic. The Black Asp was then renamed the Corusca Rainbow.

The second and final time the former Black Asp was mentioned was its participation in the Rebel taking of Coruscant from the Imperial Intelligence Director Ysanne Isard, who had taken over the Galactic Empire after Emperor Palpatine had been killed over Endor. Rogue Squadron had been given several months to sabotage the massive throneworld's planetary shielding grid. A few minutes before they were due to succeed, the Corusca Rainbow jumped to the fringes on the system and powered up its gravjectors. If the Rogues had succeeded in taking down the shields, the gravjectors would be disabled so that the Rebel fleet, led by the Mon Cal cruiser Home One could jump right into orbit around the planet and begin attacks. If the Rogues weren't successful, then the Corusca Rainbow would keep its gravity well generators on, and the fleet would be deployed on the edges of the system to carefully make its way in and avoid being dashed against the shields.

It turned out that a few seconds before the Rebel fleet was due to arrive, the Rogues were able to disable the shields, and the Corusca Rainbow quickly powered down its gravjectors (gravity well projectors). The Home One fleet entered orbit, destroyed the Imperial fleet over Coruscant, and took over the Imperial capital world.



thumb|350px|right|Devastator chases down Tantive IV

The Devastator is the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer seen at the opening of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope chasing and capturing Tantive IV. Devastator served as Darth Vader’s personal flagship, and was later reassigned to Death Squadron. As a part of Death Squadron, Devastator participated in both the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor, although it was destroyed later in the battle.

In the Expanded Universe, Lord Tion commanded the destruction of a Rebel Alliance base on Ralltiir from the deck of Devastator prior to its use by Darth Vader.

  • Brian Daley (1994). The Star Wars NPR Radio Program. Del Rey Books. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  • Kevin J. Anderson, Daniel Wallace, Bill Hughes (2000). STAR WARS The Essential Chronology. Del Rey. 0345434390.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

Elegos A'Kla


The G.A.S. Elegos A'Kla was a starship in the fictional Star Wars universe. It was a Interdictor Imperial I-class Star Destroyer that was part of the New Republic Defense Fleet, and later, that of the Galactic Alliance. It was part of a trio of Star Destroyers named after influential politicians in the Rebel Alliance and New Republic. They were the Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Elegos A'Kla. Elegos A'Kla was a powerful Caamasi senator in the New Republic and a martyr who died by the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong invaders. It was constructed over Coruscant approximately 27 years after the Battle of Yavin IV.

It was one of two ships in the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet that were Imperial Star Destroyers, yet were equipped with interdicting gravity well generators. Gravity well generators were devices that projected a gravitic field in hyperspace, barring the passage of ships in hyperspace around the interdicting vessel. However, ships in former eras equipped with this rare and unusual technology were sluggish, lightly armored, and had a relatively small amount of firepower for their size. Yet, these newer gravity well generators were sleeker, not causing the distinctive buldges caused by old version gravitic projectors. They also drained much less energy, making the Mon Mothma and Elegos A'Kla indistinguishable from normal Imperial I-class Star Destroyers that lacked interdiction technology.

The Elegos A'Kla was first assigned to the First Fleet under Traeyst Kre'fey. She fought the Yuuzhan Vong over Talflagio. It also was under the command of Admiral Traeyst Kre'fey in Fleet Group One, which helped to defend Coruscant when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded. However, the approaching enemy fleet used captured civilian starships as sacrificial shields, and the reluctance of Kre'fey to fire through the improvised shield led to the relative inactiveness of the Elegos A'Kla.

After the resolution of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Elegos A'Kla was reassigned from the Galactic Alliance First Fleet to the Fifth Fleet, which was charged with guarding the Hydian Way trade route. The Fifth Fleet was the newest defense group created by the Galactic Alliance, which took over the duties of the Third Fleet when the Third Fleet was sent out to patrol different regions of the galaxy. However, in the Dark Nest Crisis in 35 A.B.Y., the Fifth Fleet was dispatched under the commander of Admiral Nek Bwu'atu to the borders of the Chiss Ascendancy to prevent further aggression between the Chiss and the Killiks. The sister of the Elegos A'Kla, the Interdictor Star Destroyer Mon Mothma, was heavily engaged in combat with the Killiks when it attempted to blockade the Utegetu Nebula alongside the Pirate Interdiction Victory-class Star Destroyer Admiral Ackbar. The Elegos A'Kla was presumably also interdicting chokepoints between Chiss and Killik space with her gravity well generators at this time.

After the conflict intensified, the Fourth Fleet, under Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, was assigned to the Outer Rim. In the final Battle of Tenupe, which was the culimnation and resolution of the crisis, it is unknown if the Elegos A'Kla participated in the combat.




The H.I.M.S. Intimidator is an Executor-class Super Star Destroyer from the fictional Star Wars Universe. It was captured by the alien Yevetha during the Black Fleet Crisis from the Black Fifteen Imperial shipyards in the Koornacht cluster, when the suppressed Yevethan slaves overthrew their Imperial captors and captured the 12.8 kilometer command ship, and in a twisted kind of joke, enslaved the Imperials to build both Yevethan and Imperial starships for the Yevethans. The Yevethans then renamed their Super Star Destroyer as the Pride of Yevetha.

The renamed Pride of Yevetha was the personal flagship of Nil Spaar, the Yevethan diplomatic leader. It was often kept in orbit over the planet of N'zoth, the Yevethan capital. During the final Battle of N'zoth that was the resolution of the Black Fleet Crisis, the New Republic fleet of warships was evenly matched by the opposing Yevethan fleet. Then, the Imperial slaves onboard the Super Star Destroyer overthrew their Yevethan masters, and used the communications arrays to broadcast a fleetwide signal to all the Imperial vessels within the Yevethan fleet.

The signal activated a hard coded Slave Circuit on the Imperial ships that the Yevetha never knew existed, locking out the computers from their crews and placing them under the command of the former Imperial Slaves. Communicating briefly with the New Republic Admiral in command, they explained their actions and took their freedom and ships back to the Empire, charging the Republic with finishing off the Yevetha. Now with only the Yevethan T-type thrustship light cruisers behind, the New Republic fleet had the upper hand, and managed to destroy the Yevethan thrustship fleet over N'zoth, and the Black Fleet Crisis was resolved, though at a stiff price to the NRDF fleets.



Mathayus is an Imperial-class Star Destroyer commanded by Admiral Coy, and later Admiral Dezsetes. Its First Officer was Atali. In 1 BBY, it transported Darth Vader to Dargulli on a mission to kill a lightsaber-wielding criminal suspected to be Vader's child.

Then-Second Officer Dezsetes arranged a false distress signal from a Rebel ship near Yorn Skot during the trip, hoping Darth Vader would enter it. The ship, loaded with explosives, was an attempt on Vader's life as part of Grand Moff Trachta's plans to seize control over the Galactic Empire. Unfortunately for Dezsetes, Vader sent First Officer Atali on board instead. The following explosion badly damaged Mathayus' hangar bay, but it was eventually repaired.

Memory of Ithor


The G.A.S. Memory of Ithor was a fictional starship in the Star Wars Universe. It was a 1040-meter Defender-class Star Destroyer equipped with a quartet of gravity well generators, large spherical devices that projected a mass shadow field that interdicted nearby starships in hyperspace. When it activated its generators, no craft could travel in or out of the system via hyperspace. It was under the command of Major Pash Cracken, son of the Intelligence General Airen Cracken and former Rogue Squadron pilot and A-wing commander.

It fought valiantly under the command of General Wedge Antilles in the Yuuzhan Vong War. It first saw action over the taken planet of Duros. The general led a fleet of Galactic Alliance warships insystem, slowly battling enemy defenders along the way. However, his intention was not to retake the important world. After they had reached a defensible position, Wedge ordered them to stop, and for his flagship: the Mon Mothma, Cracken's Memory of Ithor, and the Interdictor Victory Star Destroyer Olovin to activate gravity well generators. No Yuuzhan Vong reinforcements could arrive, but none could leave, either. This bizarre tactic was to prevent the sizable Yuuzhan Vong battle fleet over Duros from leaving. Why? It was because while the Duros fleet had been preoccupied with defeating the Mon Mothma and her fleet, another Galactic Alliance fleet had skipped around Duros and retook the vital shipyards of Fondor. After the admiral in command of the Fondor fleet had signaled that he'd taken that world back, Wedge canceled interdiction and retreated.

After the tremendous victory, Wedge led the Mon Mothma and five smaller warships (including the Memory of Ithor) to Bilbringi in a triple-pronged attack to retake that major shipyard. The plan was for Wedge's force to come in first and engage the enemy. Then, the general would call via HoloNet in two other fleets under the command of Admirals Traeyst Kre'fey and Gilad Pellaeon. Those two battlegroups would come from hyperspace in a position that would allow them to fire on the rears of the Yuuzhan Vong starships, inflicting heavy damage before they could re-orient and attack the Galactic Alliance reinforcements.

It devolved into a disastrous slaughterhouse when the Yuuzhan Vong coincidentally used a bioweapon to down the HoloNet. The Mon Mothma and its escorts: the Memory of Ithor, the MC90 Star Cruiser Vortex Wind, the medium cruiser Spritespray, the cruiser-designate Olemp, and a corvette, were severely outgunned. They were trapped between two huge looming Yuuzhan Vong fleets, which both had a single Interdictor, trapping the Galactic Alliance fleet. They were slightly relieved when a few of the enemy's ships jumped to hyperspace, thinking that this was yet another feint.

However, they were still tremendously outgunned, and in spite of brilliant battle tactics on behalf of Wedge Antilles, the Memory of Ithor was heavily engaged with a Yuuzhan Vong Dreadnaught, and lost. The crew were sent out in escape pods, but most were captured by the alien invaders, including Major Cracken. The Memory of Ithor was sent on a ramming course with one of the Interdictors, but was annihilated before it could reach its objective.

In addition, the Mon Mothma was crippled, and the Spritespray took some damage. The famous Rogue Squadron commander would have died on the faithful Mon Mothma if Jaina Solo, Jedi and XJ3 X-wing Twin Sun Squadron leader, had not found and commandeered a cloaked Golan II battle station that was in far orbit around Bilbringi. The Millennium Falcon and a few TIE Defender elite starfighters also arrived.

The remaining Galactic Alliance capital ships managed to destroy one of the enemy Interdictors, and the Millennium Falcon, its escorting TIE Defenders, and the Golan II destroyed the second one. Then, the Galactic Alliance fleet retreated.



The Rejuvenator is an Imperial II class Star Destroyer and a lead ship in a new class of star destroyer produced by the New Republic Defense Force, immediately prior to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.

The Rejuvenator was sent to Agamar to assist Senator Leia Organa-Solo in her fact finding mission, after an initial update to the Senate indicated military back-up was required. The Captain of the Rejuvenator refused Senator Organa-Solo's request that they waited until the end of the following week, by which time many more ships would have arrived, including an Immobiliser-class interdictor cruiser. Rejuvenator proceeded with the assault on a suspected pirate base, only to be destroyed by coralskipper attacks, due to a lack of understanding about their shielding system (Dovin Basals).

Splendor of Yevetha


The Splendor of Yevetha was a standard 600-meter Interdictor cruiser that was captured by the Yevetha in the Black Fleet Crisis. It was originally assigned to the Imperial Black Sword Command in the Koornacht Cluster. In the final battle of N'zoth, it was commanded to take point position for the Yevethan fleet, positioned next to the Yevethan flagship, the Super Star Destroyer Pride of Yevetha, to prevent any sneak attacks from hyperspace.

During that fateful space engagement that was the resolution of the Black Fleet Crisis, the New Republic fleet of warships was badly outgunned by the opposing Yevethan fleet. Then, the Imperial slaves onboard the Super Star Destroyer overthrew their Yevethan masters, and used the communications arrays to broadcast a fleetwide signal to all the Imperial vessels within the Yevethan fleet.

The signal activated a procedure on the Imperial ships, making them jump randomly into hyperspace, leaving only the Yevethan T-type thrustship light cruisers behind. The New Republic fleet had the upper hand, and managed to destroy the Yevethan thrustship fleet over N'zoth, and the Black Fleet Crisis was resolved.



The H.I.M.S. Tyranny was a fictional Imperial-class Star Destroyer in the Star Wars universe, appearing in the computer game Star Wars: Empire at War. It was assigned to defend the sector of space around Kuat during around the birth of the Rebel Alliance. One of the Rebel Alliance's first combat missions was a raid on shipyard world of Kuat. Six CR90 Corellian Corvettes were led by Captain Raymus Antilles in his upgraded Corellian Corvette, the Sundered Heart.

Captain Antilles rampaged around the shipyards, blasting apart docked TIE fighters, TIE bombers, Lambda-class shuttles, and even incomplete Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Kuat Space Control sent several dozen TIE fighters and a dozen Tartan-class patrol cruisers to deal with the Rebels, but through the use of clever tactics, Antilles defeated them all with no casualties. Shortly afterwards, Kuat Control requested that the Tyranny come immediately to assist them. The captain refused to reinforce them, not believing that a Rebel corvette squad could do so much damage. After the Sundered Heart and her escorts wrecked several shipyards, Kuat Control demanded that the Tyranny come immediately under Emergency Code Zero, the highest reinforcement command in the Galactic Empire. However, if it was envoked lightly, the sender would be punished by Darth Vader, but the shipyard controllers took the risk.

As the Sundered Heart squadron raced out of the system to jump to hyperspace, the Tyranny jumped right in front of them. However, because of the immense energies created by a jump, and because the shields of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer were down following reversion, Raymus inflicted heavy damage on the Tyranny, and then jumped away.


with Death Squadron.]]

The H.I.M.S. Tyrant was an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer commanded by Captain Lennox, with its sensor officer being Lieutenant Cabel. The Tyrant first saw action as part of Death Squadron, a group of nine Star Destroyers assigned to escort and assist the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer Executor. The Executor was the pride of the Galactic Empire Starfleet and flagship of Lord Darth Vader. It was one of the Star Destroyers that blockaded the planet of Hoth. When Darth Vader saw that the Rebel Alliance forces had raised their planetary shield before orbital bombardment from Death Squadron could commence, he immediately ordered the Tyrant, escorted by a large contingent of TIE fighters, to begin landing snowtroopers, Z-94 speeder bikes, AT-STs, and AT-AT walkers beyond the base shield.

During the ground engagement, the Rebel Alliance troops realized that they didn't have the firepower to take down the massive, AT-AT walkers, and High Command ordered a retreat. All troops and vehicles were to pull back to the hangars, while a few would stay behind to attempt to hold the Galactic Empire walkers and ground forces at bay until their comrades could retreat. All equipment and soldiers were loaded onto transports, mainly Gallofree Medium Transports, and each transport would be given two X-wing starfighters to escort them. The planetary shield would be lowered for a few seconds, and the v-150 Planetary Ion Cannon would then fire a trio of ion bolts at one of the orbiting Star Destroyers, disabling it until the outcome of the battle. Then, the transport and its escorts would speed through the break in the Galactic Empire blockade. This would be repeated continuously until all the Rebel Alliance forces had evacuated.

It is unknown what part the Tyrant played in the blockade of Hoth. However, about seventeen Gallofree medium transports and their X-wing escorts were destroyed by the Star Destroyers and the TIE fighter compliments.

After the victory at Hoth, the Tyrant fought in the Battle of Endor. She was one of over two dozen Imperial Star Destroyers that defended the Executor and the Death Star II. Her part in the battle was unknown. However, even significantly outnumbered, the Rebel Alliance strike fleet managed to destroy or capture thirteen Star Destroyers (including the Executor) and also managed to destroy the Galactic Empire's battlestation: the Death Star II. However, in the end, after Lieutenant Gilad Pellaeon took command of the Galactic Empire fleet, he commanded the retreat of the eleven or so Star Destroyers remaining to the shipyards of Canniji Barr. The Tyrant was one of them.

Three years later, in the aftermath of the disastrous defeat that could begin the fragmentation of the Galactic Empire, the Tyrant was captured at an undefended fueling depot orbiting Thyferra by the forces of the New Republic.

It was renamed as the N.R.S. Rebel Dream, undergone hangar modifications, and became the flagship of Princess Leia. It was her ship when Leia went to a diplomatic mission to the Hapes Cluster. However, over Storinal, the Rebel Dream was attacked by the Galactic Empire Imperial-class Star Destroyer H.I.M.S. Peremptory, and was recaptured by the Galactic Empire. Princess Leia was not onboard at that time, and was on Coruscant. The re-renamed Tyrant served Grand Admiral Thrawn in his campaign to retake the galaxy.

Some time after the recapturing of the Tyrant, it was taken once again by the New Republic. It was re-re-renamed the N.R.S. Rebel Dream once again, and also served in the Galactic Alliance Third Fleet under General Wedge Antilles in the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Vengeance III


The H.I.M.S. Vengeance III was a starship in the fictional Star Wars universe. It was an Imperial-class Star Destroyer that participated in the Empire Reborn crisis at around nine years after the Battle of Yavin IV. The Vengeance III was assigned to defend the Galactic Empire capital world of Byss.

After a surprise attack came from New Republic forces, led by General Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian, the Star Destroyer was commanded to hold her fire as the remaining New Republic troops retreated in three freighters. This was because they were in the vicinity of the Galactic Empire's new superweapon: the Galaxy Gun. Perserving the Galaxy Gun was more important to the Emperor than killing off the escaping soldiers.



The H.I.M.S. Wrack was an Galactic Empire, and later a Galactic Alliance Immobilizer 418-class (Interdictor) heavy cruiser commanded by the male human Captain Devan. It participated in the war against the Yuuzhan Vong invaders. It was mentioned in the Galactic Alliance campaign to retake the major shipyards of Bilbringi. General Wedge Antilles would first launch his fleet into the system, and engage the numerically superior and vastly more powerful Yuuzhan Vong defense fleet. He would then relay good coordinates for flanking positions for two other Galactic Alliance fleets to jump in from hyperspace in via HoloNet.

However, their daring plan was accidentally spoiled by the release of a Yuuzhan Vong bioweapon that downed the majority of the galactic HoloNet. The Mon Mothma, the general's flagship, and her support ships, the Memory of Ithor, Spritespray, Olemp, the Vortex Wind, and others, were terribly outgunned. To make it worse, they were unable to communicate for help or reinforcements, and after the arrival of two Yuuzhan Vong Interdictor ships, they were unable to retreat.

Yet, the two other fleets that were waiting for the reinforcement signal under the command of Traest Kre'fey and Gilad Pellaeon, were still waiting for Wedge's signal to jump into the system. The orders for OPERATION: Trinity were clear: if the former Rogue Squadron commander didn't signal for backup, Beta and Gamma fleets would explicitly stay out of the Bilbringi system. Pellaeon had set up a string of Immobilizer 418-class heavy cruisers as picket ships around his armada, of which one was the Wrack. If anyone tried to pass them, they would be interdicted, and the cruiser would be able to report enemy ships inbound to the fleet. This would prevent sneak attacks on his fleet.

The first ship interdicted was a Zonoma Sekotan skiff, which was carrying two Jedi (including Jedi Master Corran Horn), and a group of Yuuzhan Vong heretics trying to investigate the mysteries of Zonoma Sekot. The skiff was typical Zonoma Sekot: both technological and biological. The hull and some other control systems were living, like those of the Yuuzhan Vong. However, some other internal systems, like the hyperdrive, were metal, like those of the Galactic Alliance. They did not open fire, but were attempting to blast the skiff when a Yuuzhan Vong scientist onboard launched a bioweapon that blew apart one of the gravity well generators of the Wrack. This disturbed the interdiction field enough for the speedy Zonoma Sekotan skiff to zip away into hyperspace.

The second ship interdicted was the famous Millennium Falcon, which carried Han Solo and Princess Leia on a mission to warn via-courier Pellaeon that the HoloNet contact was down, and that they might need to reinforce the Mon Mothma if the odds were too lopsided. However, the Millennium Falcon would jump into the system first to recon it out, and then it would jump back and inform Pellaeon of the tactical situation.

The Wrack sent out the message to Pellaeon's flagship, the Imperial Star Destroyer Right to Rule informing them of the HoloNet's status. Then, Captain Devan launched a few powerful TIE defender starfighters to assist the Millennium Falcon in its recon. One of the TIE defenders was piloted by Devan himself, who claimed that picket interdiction duty was "boring".

The Millennium Falcon and her TIE defender escorts arrived over Bilbringi, but even though Wedge was saved by the sudden appearance of a Golan II battlestation and brilliant tactics on his behalf, Captain Devan and the rest of the TIE defender pilots were killed, and their deaths did not significantly help the Galactic Alliance's quest to retake Bilbringi. Captain Devan was the son of Admiral Pellaeon.



The H.I.M.S. Xamaural was the Imperial-class Star Destroyer that retrieved Darth Vader in his TIE Advanced after the Galactic Empire's disastrous defeat at the Battle of Yavin. Vader made a hyperspace jump, and was found by the Xamaural. However, as he was being tractored in, the ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi haunted him, and he was queried several times by controllers on the Xamaural before responding. Note: This is not considered canon

The Imperial-class Star Destroyer dropped him off at an outpost, where Vader continued his strikes against the Rebel Alliance.



The N.R.S. Yakez was a New Republic Imperial-class Star Destroyer commanded by Commodore Farley Carson, and actively participated in the Black Fleet Crisis. The Yakez was the flagship of the New Republic Fifth Fleet Taskforce Apex, and was destroyed in the Battle of N'zoth when it was caught between the detonations of two nearby Yevethan thrustships. The blasts ignited the forward magazines on the Yakez, scrapping the warship. It was the largest starship that the Yevetha managed to destroy in the battle.