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User:Underbar dk/WP3K stuff

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Translations of titles



Kings and Nobles

  • 王 King, or Prince
    • 相 Chancellor
    • 傅 Tutor
  • 公 Duke
  • 侯 Marquis
    • 關內侯 Secondary Marquis

Excellencies, Ministers, and Senior Officers at the capital

  • 太傅 Grand Tutor
  • 丞相 [Imperial] Chancellor
  • 御史大夫 Imperial Counsellor
  • 三公 Three Excellencies
    • 太尉 Grand Commandant
      • 太常 Minister of Ceremonies
        • 太史令 Court Astronomer
        • 太學 Imperial University
          • 博士 Academicians
          • 祭酒 Libationer
      • 光祿勳 Minister of the Household
        • 中郎將 General of the Household
          • 五官中郎將 General of the Household for All Purposes
          • 左中郎將 General of the Household of the Left
          • 右中郎將 General of the Household of the Right
          • 虎賁 Rapid as Tigers (imperial guard)
          • 羽林 Feathered Forest (imperial guard)
        • 大夫 Counsellor
          • 光祿大夫 Household Counsellor
          • 太中大夫 Palace Counsellor
          • 中散大夫 Attendant Counsellor
          • 諫議大夫 Counsellor Remonstrant
          • 議郎 Consultant
        • 都尉 Commandant
          • 騎都尉 Commandants of Cavalry
          • 鮒騎都尉 Commandants of Attendant Cavalry
          • 奉車都尉 Commandants of Equippage
      • 衛尉 Minister of the Guards
        • 衛士令 Prefect of the Guards
        • 公車司馬令 Prefect of the Majors for Official Carriages
    • [大]司徒 [Grand] Excellency over the Masses
      • 太僕 Minister Coachman
      • 廷尉 Minister of Justice
        • 正 Director
      • 大鴻臚 Minister Herald
    • [大]司空 [Grand] Excellency of Works
      • 宗正 Minister of the Imperial Clan
      • 大司農 Minister of Finance
      • 少府 Minister Steward
        • 太官令 Court Provisioner
        • 太醫令 Court Physician
        • 符節令 Prefect of Insignia and Credentials
        • 侍中 Palace Attendant
        • 黃門侍郎 Gentlemen of the Yellow Gate
    • 大司馬 Grand Marshall

  • 執金吾 Bearer of the Mace
  • 城門校尉 Colonel of the City Gates
  • 將作大匠 Court Architect
    • 左校令 Prefect of the Enclosure of the Left
    • 右校令 Prefect of the Enclosure of the Right

  • 令 Prefect (in charge of Luoyang city and county)
  • 尹 Intendant (in charge of Henan commandery)
  • 司隸校尉 Director of Retainers (in charge of the rest of the commanderies in Sili)

Imperial agencies

  • 御史中丞 Palace Assistant Imperial Clerk
    • 侍御史 Imperial Clerk
      • 治書侍御史 Imperial Clerk Preparers of Documents
    • 謁者 Internuncios
  • 尚書 Imperial Secretariat
    • 僕射 Deputy Director

Divisions of land

  • 州 province
  • 郡 commandery
  • 縣 county
  • 亭 village
    • 都亭 chief village (contained the headquarters of the district)
  • 鄉 district
    • 都鄉 chief district (contained the headquarters of the county)
  • 邑 estate

  • 牧 Governor (ruled provinces)
  • 刺史 Inspector (ruled provinces with less authority)
    • 從事 Assistant Officer
    • 主簿 Registrar
    • 別駕 Attendant Officer
    • 治中 Headquarters Officer

  • 太守 [Grand] Administrator (ruled commanderies)
    • 丞 Assistant
    • 長史 Chief Clerk (Assistant on the frontier and in kingdoms)
    • 都尉 Commandant (in warzones)
  • 相 Chancellor (ruled kingdoms in place of Administrators)
    • 中尉 Commandant of the Capital

    • 功曹 Officer of Merit (served commanderies)
    • 督郵 Investigators (checks on counties)

  • 縣令 Prefect (ruled counties of more than 10,000 households)
  • 縣長 Chief (ruled counties of fewer households)

Appointment and recruitment

  • 孝廉 Fillial and Incorrupt (commandery nomination, becomes a gentleman cadet, ~200 candidates/yr)
  • 郎 Gentleman cadet
  • 茂才 Abudant Talent (province nomination or higher, ~17 candidates/yr)
  • 高第 First Class (often leads to immediate appointments to trusted positions)

The army

  • 將軍 General
    • 大將軍 General-in-Chief
    • 武威將軍 General Who is Firm and Majestic
    • 討逆將軍 General Who Exterminates Rebels
    • 車騎將軍 General of Chariots and Cavalry
    • 驃騎將軍 General of Agile Cavalry
    • 衛將軍 General of the Guards
    • 左將軍 General on the Left
    • 右將軍 General on the Right
    • 前將軍 General of the Van
    • 後將軍 General of the Rear
    • 征西將軍 General Who Subdues the West
  • 偏將軍 Lieutenant-general
  • 裨將軍 Major-general
  • 校尉 Colonel
  • [軍]司馬 Major
    • 別部司馬 Senior Major
  • 中候 Adjutant
  • 候 Captain
    • 曲 Companies

  • 長水 Chang River Regiment
  • 越騎 Elite Cavalry
  • 屯騎 Garrison Cavalry
  • 射聲 Archers Who Shoot at a Sound
  • 步兵 Footsoldiers

  • 護軍 Protector of the Army
  • 參軍事 Adviser to the Army
  • 都督 Area Commander

  • 部 regiment
  • 營 camp

Other common words

  • 卿 Minister
  • 郎 Gentlemen
  • 曹 Bureau
  • 節 Staff of Authority
  • 吏 officer


  • de Crespigny, Rafe (2007). A biographical dictionary of Later Han to the Three Kingdoms (23–220 AD). Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-15605-0.