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Richard Wilcox
File:Richard Wilcox in 2014.jpg
Richard Wilcox in 2014

Richard Wilcox (born 13 May 1967 in Wurzburg, Germany) is a German and United States diplomat and public finance expert. He served as the Director-General of the African Union’s African Risk Capacity from 2013-2015 at the level of Assistant Secretary General and currently serves as Special Advisor on Humanitarian Finance to the United Nations World Food Program and as a senior conflict mediation advisor at the Humanitarian Dialogue Centre.[1]



As a United Nations and African Union diplomat [2], Wilcox has led key development reform enterprises including the African Risk Capacity (ARC) to insure African governments against natural disasters [3] and was first to propose a levy on personal data extraction to finance aid for the elimination of extreme poverty [4]. As head of the ARC he also developed the first sovereign pandemic insurance program [5].

In 2008, Wilcox served as the UN Secretary-General’s envoy to Serbia for the Kosovo independence process where he negotiated the SG Kosovo package, then the first agreement in the UN Security Council on Kosovo in a decade [6]. He had previously served in UN political and peacekeeping missions in the former Yugoslavia (1995-1999) and Iraq (2003-2004, 2007) as well as Director of United Nations affairs on the US National Security Council (1999-2001) [7]. In 2017, his nomination as UN special envoy to Libya was withdrawn as Russia retaliated against US opposition to an earlier candidate [8].

Wilcox holds a Ph.D. from MIT (2000) and was a fellow at Harvard’s Olin Institute for Strategic Studies (1998). He has also taught political science at the John Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies [9].

He lives in Rome [10], Italy with his wife Milena Wilcox, a wine and olive oil sommelier with Slow Food Roma, and son Teo, winner of the 2016 Keats-Shelley House Poetry Prize [11].



Joanna Syroka and Richard Wilcox, Rethinking International Disaster Aid Finance, Columbia Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 59, No. 2, The Globalization of Disaster (Spring/Summer 2006), pp. 197-214 https://www.jstor.org/stable/24358433?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Richard Wilcox, Data Financing for the Global Good – Afterword, pp. 55-56 https://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Oll-Rockefeller-Data-Financing-for-Global-Good.pdf

  1. ^ https://www.hdcentre.org/who-we-are/staff/
  2. ^ African Union Handbook, p. 154. http://www.un.org/en/africa/osaa/pdf/au/au-handbook-2015.pdf
  3. ^ Georgia Keohane, Capital and the Common Good: How Innovative Finance Is Tackling the World's Most Urgent Problems, pp. 128-129. https://cup.columbia.edu/book/capital-and-the-common-good/9780231178020
  4. ^ Knowledge@Wharton, Wharton Social Impact Initiative, University of Pennsylvania, Innovative Finance: Mobilizing Capital for Maximum Impact, pp. 14 and 16. https://assets.rockefellerfoundation.org/app/uploads/20160822182737/Innovative-Finance-Mobilizing-Capital-for-Maximum-Impact-Aug-2016.pdf
  5. ^ Africa agency to offer insurance against Ebola https://www.ft.com/content/c1f7ab98-a6ca-11e4-8a71-00144feab7de
  6. ^ David Harland, Balkan Ghosts: Kosovo and the UN, Pages 75-98 | Published online: 29 Sep 2010, http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2008&mm=07&dd=02&nav_id=51570
  7. ^ https://www.hdcentre.org/staff-member/richard-wilcox/
  8. ^ http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/04/03/russia-nixes-former-white-house-aid-for-top-u-n-job-in-libya-trump-putin-haftar-tripoli/
  9. ^ www.bipr.eu/eventprofile.cfm/idevent=2B0124A0-C2…
  10. ^ www.slowfoodroma.it/chi-siamo/la-squadra-romana/
  11. ^ Wanted in Rome, The English Language Magazine in Rome, No 7, July 2016, p. 36.