Here is the source for DavidWSBot. It is licensed under the GPLv3. It uses the library sxwiki, which is also GPL. The source for bot.php:
require_once('config.php'); //configuration
require_once('SxWiki.php'); //bot framework
$success = false; //init
$wiki = new SxWiki(); //init
$wiki->verbosity = -1; //We do our own error logging :)
$editcount = 0; // Edits made this session
$opt = array();
$trialmode = true;
$trial = 30;
//Function declarations
function _log($what,$level = 1)
global $logfile;
$toadd = date(DATE_RFC822) . ": " . $what . "\n";
if($level == 1)
echo $toadd;
return true;
function error($err,$exit)
$errtext = (($exit) ? "Critical error: " : "Error: ") . $err;
if($exit) die();
function getList()
global $wiki;
//global $opt;
global $listpg;
_log("Getting opt-in list");
$result = array();
$users = array();
$wt = $wiki->getPage($listpg[0],$listpg[1]);
foreach($result as $r)
$users[] = $r[1];
_log($r[1] . " has opted in",0);
_log("Finished getting opt-in list, " . count($users) . " opted in.");
//$opt = $users;
return $users;
function getRequests()
global $wiki;
_log("Finding users requesting to be unblocked");
$users = $wiki->getCat("Requests for unblock");
$params = array(
"action" => "query",
"list" => "blocks",
"bklimit" => "1", // most recent block
"bkusers" => "" // we will set this during the loop
$retval = array();
for($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++)
$user = $users[$i];
if(strpos($user,"User") === 0)
//$user = str_replace("User talk:","User:",$user);
$params["bkusers"] = $user;
$info = $wiki->callAPI($params);
$block = $info['query']['blocks'][0];
if($block['by'] != "")
$temp = array($user,$block['by']);
$retval[] = $temp;
//_log($user . " is requesting to be unblocked, originally blocked by " . $block['by'],0);
_log("Finished finding users requesting to be unblocked");
return $retval;
function close()
global $editcount;
_log("Session ending. $editcount edits this session.");
function notify($blocked,$admin)
global $wiki;
global $editcount;
global $trialmode;
global $trial;
$blocked = str_replace("User talk:","",$blocked);
$blocked = trim($blocked);
$utpage = "User talk: $admin";
$current = $wiki->getPage($utpage);
$notestring = "==Unblock Request Notification==" . "\r\n" . "{{subst:User:DavidWSBot/Unblocknotify|$blocked}}";
$notestring .= "<!--unblocknote:($blocked," . time() . ")-->";
preg_match("<\!--unblocknote\:\(" . preg_quote($blocked) . ",(.*?)\)-->",$current,$r);
$timestamp = $r[1];
$diff = time() - $timestamp;
_log("notify($blocked,$admin) called");
$n = $current . "\n" . $notestring;
if($editcount >= $trial)
_log("Trial limit of $trial reached");
if($timestamp == "" || $timestamp == NULL)
$diff = 21700;
if(!($diff >= 21600))
_log("$admin was already notified about $blocked within the last 6 hours.");
_log("Notifying $admin of the unblock request of $blocked");
$wiki->putPage($utpage,"[[User:DavidWSBot|UB Request bot]]",$n,true,true);
_log("$admin notified. Total edits this session: $editcount");
// End of function declarations
// Where are we going to run?
if($en == false)
$wiki->url = $url;
$wiki->wikipedia = "en";
// Now, here's the bot code
if($wiki->login($username,$password)) // Try logging in
_log("Logged in to the wiki.");
error("Could not login",true);
while($e != true)
$opt = getList();
$reqs = getRequests();
foreach($reqs as $req)
_log(str_replace(" talk:",":",$req[0]) . " blocked by " . $req[1]);
if(in_array($req[1],$opt)) //Opted in?
_log($req[1] . " is opted in, going to notify");
$e = true;
_log("Found e.txt, going to exit");
//notify("User talk: test","DavidWS");
_log("Went through loop. Sleeping ninety seconds.");
usleep(90000000); // sleep ninety seconds
and, for config.php:
$username = "DavidWSBot";
$password = "";
$en = true;
$url = ""; //unneeded if using en
$logfile = "./log.txt";
$listpg = array("User:DavidWSBot/Optin",1); //Page,section