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Peter Aiken, Ph.D.


Peter Aiken, Ph.D. (born 1959) is an American data management (DM) consultant, Founding Director of Data Blueprint[1] and an associate professor of information systems with Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Business[2]



Peter Aiken, Ph.D. was born January 17, 1959 in Washington D.C. He received his Bachelor of Science, Information Systems and Business Administration & Management and Master of Science, Business (Information Systems) from Virginia Commonwealth University. He received his Ph.D., Information Technology, School of Information Technology and Engineering from George Mason University. He is a practicing data consultant, author and researcher actively performing and studying DM for more than 30 years. He is the lead or co-author of a number of studies published widely. Peter’s achievements have resulted in recognition in multiple biographical compilations such as The Dictionary of International Biographies, Who’s Who in Science in Engineering, Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America, Who’s Who in American Education, Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers[3]. In 2010 he was awarded the prestigious Stevens Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the literature or practice of methods for software and systems development[4].

Dr. Aiken also served as a two term past President of the International Data Management Association (DAMA-I) from 2009-2013[5].

News & Article Publications

  • Beth Jones, Amita Goyal Chin, Peter Aiken (in-press). "Risky Business: Students and Smartphones." TechTrends.
  • Guidry, B., Stevens, D. & Aiken P. (in-press). "The systems analysis and design course: a practitioners' assessment of the importance and coverage of topics." International Journal of Innovation and Learning.
  • Aiken, P., Gillenson, M., Zhang, X., Raffner, D. (2011). "Data Management and Data Administration: Assessing 25 Years of Practice." Journal of Database Management, 22(3):24-44 July-September 2011, 24-44.
  • Aiken, P. et al. "Use of the IEEE Codes of Conduct to Resolve Legal Disputes" IEEE Computer ISSN: 0018-9162 April 2010 43(4):29-34
  • Aiken, P, Allen, M. D., Parker, B., Mattia, A., "Measuring Data Management's Maturity: A Community's Self-Assessment" IEEE Computer April 2007 40(4): 42-50
  • Hill, B., Weistroffer, H. R, and Aiken, P., "A Dynamic Simulation Comparing Classical and Emergent-Network Models: Organizational Design Implications" Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory (accepted for publication)
  • Yoon, Y., Aiken, P., Guimaraes, T., "Applying a Metadata Framework to Improve Data Quality Encyclopedia of Information Systems & Technology," Idea Group Press, Harrisburg, PA, 2004
  • Peter Aiken "Using Your Information: Metadata - The Number One Issue For The Intelligence Community" Intelligence & Warning America Fall 2004 pp. 4-8
  • Peter Aiken "DAMA Advisory: Role and Responsibility" DMReview July 2004
  • Aiken, P. H. and Allen, M. D. "XML for Data Management: understanding and applying them together." San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann 2004 - 305 pages (ISBN: 0120455994)
  • Aiken, P. H., Talburt, J, and Wang, R. "Proceedings of the MIT 2007 Information Quality Industry Symposium" July 19, 2007 Cambridge, Massachusetts 302 pages (ISSN 1544-1342).
  • Aiken, P., "Succeeding at Data Management" Journal of Information and Data Quality (forthcoming).
  • Guidry, B., Stevens, D. & Aiken P. "The systems analysis and design course: a practitioners’ assessment of the importance and coverage of topics" International Journal of Innovation and Learning (IJIL, ISSN: 1471-8197).
  • Yoon, Y., Aiken, P., Guimaraes, T. "Managing Organizational Data Resources: Quality Dimensions Information Resources Management" Journal 13(3) July-September 2000 pp. 5-13.
  • Aiken, P. H., Ngwenyama, O. K., and Broome, L. "Reverse Engineering New Systems for Smooth Implementation." IEEE Software. March/April 1999 16(2):36-43.
  • Aiken, P.H., Yoon, Y., and Leong-Hong, B., "Requirements Driven Data Engineering. Information & Management" February 1999 35(3):155-168.
  • Aiken, P.H., "Reverse engineering of data." IBM Systems Journal, 1998. 37(2): p. 246-269.
  • Aiken, P.H., A. Muntz, and R. Richards, "DoD Legacy Systems: Reverse Engineering Data Requirements." Communications of the ACM, 1994. 37(5): p. 26-41.
  • Madsen, K. and P.H. Aiken, "Some Experiences Using Cooperative Interactive Storyboard Prototyping." Communications of the ACM, 1993. 36(4): p. 57-67.
  • Roth, T., P.H. Aiken, and S. Hobbs, "Hypertext Support for Software Development: A Retrospective Assessment." Hypermedia, 1994. 6(3): p. 149-173.
  • Aiken, P.H. and L. Hodgson, "Synergistic Dependence Between Analysis Techniques. Information Systems Management," Fall 1998, pp. 55-67.
  • Aiken, P.H. and B. Girling, "Reverse Data Engineering into a Distributed Environment: A Metadata Analysis. Information Systems Management," Summer 1998, pp. 47-55.
  • Goyal, A. and P.H. Aiken, "Information Technology, Business School Curricula, and the Required Information Systems Course." Journal of Computer Information Systems, Summer 1998. pp. 87-99.
  • Peter Aiken "Data Management Tipping Point: Data Management Connectors, Mavens and Salesmen" DM Review, February 1, 2006, page 21.
  • Peter Aiken "Data Management Tipping Point: Little Things Make a Big Difference" DM Review, January 1, 2006, page 22.
  • Peter Aiken "Data Management Tipping Point: Why a Tipping Point for Data Management?" DM Review, December 1, 2005, page 22.
  • Peter Aiken "Data Management Tipping Point: Further Expanding Data Management's Scope" DM Review, November 1, 2005, page 18.
  • Peter Aiken "Data Management Tipping Point: Expanding Data Management Scope" DM Review, October 1, 2005, page 19.
  • Peter Aiken "Data Management Tipping Point: An Introduction" DM Review, September 1, 2005, page 21.
  • Peter Aiken "Using Your Information: Metadata – The Number One Issue For The Intelligence Community" Intelligence & Warning America Fall 2004 pp. 4-8.
  • Peter Aiken "DAMA Advisory: Role and Responsibility" DMReview July 2004.
  • Peter Aiken "DAMA in the classroom, ERP from the classroom – an opportunity?" DMReview January 2000.
  • Peter Aiken & Bill Girling "Data Reengineering Fits the Bill" InformationWeek May 26, 1997, pp. 8A-12A
  • Tatum, J.T. and P.H. Aiken, Measuring and Assessing Reengineering Efforts - A Case Study (Part 1), in IEEE Computer Society/Software Engineering Technical Council Newsletter. 1996. p. Rev-7-Rev-13.
  • Tatum, J.T. and P.H. Aiken, Measuring and Assessing Reengineering Efforts - A Case Study (Part 2), in IEEE Computer Society/Software Engineering Technical Council Newsletter. 1997. p. Rev-7-Rev-12.


  • Aiken, P. H., Gorman, M., The Case for the Chief Data Officer, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann 2013 - 88 pages (ISBN: 978-0-12-411463-0).
  • Aiken, P. H., Talburt, J, and Wang, R. Proceedings of the MIT 2007 Information Quality Industry Symposium July 19, 2007 Cambridge, Massachusetts 302 pages (ISSN 1544- 1342).
  • Aiken, P. H. and Allen, M. D. XML for Data Management: understanding and applying them together. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann 2004 - 305 pages (ISBN: 0120455994).
  • Editors: Burd, L., Aiken, P. and van Deursen A. Proceedings of the 9th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering October 29-November 1, 2002 Richmond, Virginia IEEE Publishing Company, 349 pages (ISBN 0-7695-1799-4).
  • Editors: Burd, L., Aiken, P. and Koschke R. Proceedings of the 8th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering October 2-5, 2001 Stuttgart, Germany IEEE Publishing Company, 2001, 381 pages (ISBN 0-7695-1303-4).
  • Finkelstein, C. and P.H. Aiken, Building Corporate Portals Using XML. 1999, New York: McGraw-Hill. 530 pages (ISBN: 0-07-913705-9). B-7. Aiken, P.H., Data Reverse Engineering: Slaying the Legacy Dragon. 1996, New York: McGraw-Hill. 394 pages (ISBN 0-07-000748-9). B-8. Aiken, P.H. and Booth, S A Casebook in Basic 1984 Hypermedia Technologies Publishing 1984.
  • Aiken, P. H. and Billings, J. Monetizing Data Management Unlocking the Value in Your Organization’s Most Important Asset. Technics Publications, LLC, 2013, 96 pages.


  • Aiken, P.H., "Other Metadata-based Technologies" Chapter 15 (pp. 219-232) in Tannenbaum, A., Metadata Solutions: Using Metamodels, Repositories, XML, and Enterprise Portals to Generate Information on Demand New York: Addison-Wesley 2001, 528 pages (ISBN: 0201719762).
  • Aiken, P.H., "Business Rules and Legacy" in The Business Rules Approach: A Business and Software Paradigm for the New Economy Steve Hunter (editor) – forthcoming from Prentice-Hall in 2002.
  • Tatum, T. and P.H. Aiken, A Framework for Assessing IT Investment in Reengineering Initiatives: A Case Study, in Measuring Information Technology Investment Payoff: Contemporary Approaches, M.A. Mahmood and E.J. Szewczak, Editors. 1998, Idea Group Publishing: Harrisburg, PA.
  • Madsen, K. and P.H. Aiken, Cooperative Interactive Storyboard Prototyping: Designing Friendlier VCRs, in Storyboard Prototyping: A New Approach to User Requirements Analysisx, S.J. Andriole, Editor. 1992, QED Information Sciences: Wesley, MA.
  • Aiken, P.H., Hypermedia-based Requirements Engineering, in Advanced Technology for Command and Control Systems Engineering, S.J. Andriole, Editor. 1991, AFCEA International: Reston, VA.
  • Andriole, S.J., et al., Group Decision Support System Prototypes for Army Theater Planning and CounterTerrorism Crisis Management, in Advanced Technology for Command and Control Systems Engineering, S.J. Andriole, Editor. 1991, AFCEA International: Reston, VA.
  • Sage, A.P., A. Goicoechea, and P.H. Aiken, An Interactive Knowledge Support System with Imperfect Information: Toward A Microcomputer Implementation of ARIADNE, in Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Y. Sawaragi, Editor. 1987, Springer Verlag.


  1. ^ [1]Data Blueprint
  2. ^ [2]Virginia Commonwealth University.
  3. ^ [3]
  4. ^ [4]Stevens Award
  5. ^ [5]DAMA-I