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I'm (2000-Present) a Brazilian student in the United States of America. I am currently trying to figure out what major I'm going to take, and so far I'm in between two options. I was an exchange student from 2016 to 2017 in Georgia, USA. Moved back to my home country to finish high school and move back to the United States for college which started in September. In between graduating high school and going to college I had a gap of 8 months, so I moved to Spain and learned my third language. Now that i'm back in the USA, I am continuing my studies in languages and started Italian. As just talked about, I have some experience living abroad and love traveling around and meeting new people and cultures. I'm a theatre kid that is obsessed with a few tv shows and a very positive person and strong believer in the cosmo's energy and karma.

Wikipedia has a very wide range of subjects, some of my favorites are the ones that talk about heroes, such as Superman and Batman. Some other interests would be in articles about actors and religions not so well known, such as Wicca or Spiritism. A lot of people look up these topics and they're not well covered and are always missing some piece of information. It would be nice to contribute to their topics.

Article evaluation


I’m only eighteen years old but i have traveled a lot for my age range. I’ve lived abroad in two different countries and visited many cities within them. In doing so, I have stayed in various different hotels, some actual hotels and others just a room for rental. What I have always noticed is how much impact room service can have over your stay and how some people aren’t really familiar with it’s conveniences. I visited the room service page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: it's disposable information on certain topics, it’s lack of citations, and it’s introduction.

Disposable information


Overall it’s displayed a decent idea of how room service works but they get into an excessive detailed section about specific hotels, but mainly in the job section where they go beyond needed with the descriptions of each occupation. All that extra info ends up making the reader distract himself by wondering things other than the actual topic.



Even though the article covers it’s facts with references by the end of the page, there aren’t many. Also above that, they left out a whole topic. The ‘'hospital room service’' section wasn’t certified with any source, making it hard to identify if the information is reliable or not. The article could make changes in that section so it’d be fully cited with all the proper sources.



The way the matter was taken care of in the first paragraph was very well presented. They explained what the term room service means with all the information needed. Made sure to specify what it is and point out all of it’s main characteristics, such as it’s presence in high-end hotels, resorts and cruises, their average time availability and the overly charged products compared to rest of the hotel.



Overall, this is a good page for the topic, but with room for development. The structure of information displayed covers it’s background. The introduction was well done, presenting all of the info required to educate a layman. Although there’s a need of reevaluation for the information provided in paragraphs, such as the occupation's sections with unneeded extension of job descriptions, along with the history's section mentioning hotels. Citations are poorly done in the page, and in the ‘'Hospital room service’' section, their arguments have no evidences, making it unreliable.