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User:DanielBoFongWong/My sandbox

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My Name is Daniel B. Wong


And this is my contribution to the Sandbox!! I love all of my new groupmates

And I am 1/2 Chinese and 1/2 Korean


This is some bold text!
and this is Italics
The Top 5 best games of all time for Nintendo 64 (Voted by Us!)

  1. Super Smash Bros 64
  2. Mario Kart 64
  3. Yoshi's Island
  4. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  5. Starfox 64

Things we need to buy at the grocery store:

  • Eggs
  • Chicken
  • Bok Choy
  • Kool-Aid
  • Watermelon
  • Waffles
  • Fried Chicken
  • Tofu
  • Description - While Yelp is used to search for all types of businesses, it is also a great tool to look for ongoing and upcoming events. From looking for local events going on in your neighborhood to finding popular events that other users are interested in, Yelp has a quick and convenient way to explore.
  • Algorithm - Yelp's algorithm of what events to show the enduser depend on the location, the comunnity's input, the scheduled time of the event and when it was creaetd on Yelp. There are multiple sections, each using different algorithms. Under "Popular Events This Week in [City]", it lists the events in the order with the most people that clicked "interested in" within your location. By default, Yelp will detect the user's city and state and automatically fill the box. Under the section "Recently Added Events", it displays the events in your location, in the order of the shortest time it was posted on Yelp. A third category is "Popular Upcoming Yelp Community Events," where Yelp features events to the enduser that solely based in the selected location. The last category is "Other Popular Events," which it displays events that people are interested in the time range selected (Today, Tomorrow, This Weekend, This Week, Next Week or "Jump to Date").
  • Information Use - The Events function are involved with the types User, Business, Neighborhood and City. The user is the person who posted the event on yelp that is hosted at the business, which can found through the neighborhoodand and city selected and is User is the one who posted the event on Yelp.





The Neighborhood type is used when you want to find a business within a smaller area rather than the city or state, but a wider area than a specific address. This info type is under the Business type(which neighborhood it is located in) and the City type (neighborhoods are located in the city).

Diagram and Discussion


Example and Discussion


In the following diagram, the lines show what the names of the attributes and where the location of their values would be for the Neighborhood info type on Yelp. Each attribute has its own set of value patterns that differentiates info items. File:Info101neighborhood.jpg The Attributes under the Neighborhood info type are directly related with the location (city, state, address) which are predetermined by the government. Below is a list of attributes that a Neighborhood info type has.

  • Attribute -> Value Pattern
  • Image -> Image
  • City -> Text
  • State -> Text
  • Zip code -> #####
  • Map Image -> Image



A link on a webpage that goes to another page is the connection that they between each other. It is an association between two pages that have relevance with each other, even though they might be webpages from different websites. Links within websites are useful because they can re-route endusers to a direction in order to find other information.



Below is an example of a link found on the webpage of the Business item "Hawaii BBQ Restaurant" on Yelp.com. The link highlighted below is the Restaurant's own website that contains more information about their business. File:Info101links.jpg



Having links are very useful for users because when there are more links or associations between webpages, the easier it is for people to find the information that they are looking for. The higher the number of connections there are, the closer people are connected information system. Whether links are shortcuts to other webpages,page areas or websites, they integrate the web and provide convenience and efficiency for the people using them. For Yelp, links in one way or another connect all 5 info types together. A Business info item has links to reviews, users (users that right reviews about that particular business) and links to other businesses themselves. For Neighborhood and City items, there are links to businesses (that match the location). With all these links, Yelp users can navigate with ease to find the information they are looking for.