The Linear A eBook I published in 2011. Very dry technical reference, but hopefully will become useful as a cross-reference as it evolves. Includes facsimiles of many of the clay tablets from Hagia Triada.
wikipedia: english version, mostly updating articles that need it while doing archaealogy or linguistics research.
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dead and ancient languages interest me
modern languages: english, russian, spanish (all in moderation)
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1976 The Pylos Tablets Transcribed Part II: Hands, Concordances, Indices
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1965 Mnemosyne vol. 18 "The Grouping of Place-Names in the Knossos Tablets"
Henle, Jane Elizabeth
1953 A Study in Word Structure in Minoan Linear B
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1996 Attí e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia vol. I Philology “The Mycenaean Personal Names in -to with regard to the derivatives from verbal adjectives” wnxiv.21-32
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2002-2003 Minos vol. 37-38 "The Thebes Tablets and the Fq Series: a Contextual Analysis"
Killen, J.T.
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Palaima, Thomas
1996 Attí e memorie del secondo congresso internazionale di micenologia vol. I Philology “‘Contiguities’ in the Linear B Tablets from Pylos” wnxiv.3-9
Ruipérez, Martín
1987 Tractata Mycenaea “Subjunctive Forms in Mycenaean Texts” comments
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1973 American Journal of Archaeology (AJA) vol. 79 “The Pylos Ma tablets reconsidered”
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1996-1997 Minos vol. 31-32 "The Linear B Inscribed Stirrup Jars as Links in an Administrative Chain"
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1959 American Journal of Archaeology (AJA) vol. 63 "The Residential Quarter of the Minoan Palace"
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Greenlaw, Cybelle
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1999 From Minoan Farmers to Roman Traders Chaniotis (ed) “Staple Finance, Peak Sanctuaries, and Economic Complexity in Late Prepalatial Crete”
Lejeune, Michel
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Weingarten, Judith
2000 (TBD; reidentifying stones previously identified as loom- and net-weights)