At the moment, I am only contibuting to current events in Plurinational State of Bolivia and related articles, in particular bringing some insight from the Bolivian newspapers that needs translated from Spanish. In general, English language media is out of date and reactionary to the main events and lack in depth knowledge about the country or have issues with Western bias, being observed "through a gringo lense". I am a British citizen married to a Bolivian citizen and have been familiar with the country for several years, living in La Paz and Cochabamba on and off.
This will become more complete with time and I will make comments on how useful they are. Certainly useful to get a wide view of these sources, but most papers (even Spanish language sources outside of Bolivia) cannot compare in terms of reporting current events. Google translate via Chrome is usable to get a sense of what is going on, but obviously being able to understand the original Spanish is better for sourcing as content.