[or ] | the shortest or most efficient distance from S to Tn [or Um] |
[or ] | "on-site travel": distance(s) covered "around" Tn [or Um] point |
[or ] | distance covered between T1 and U1 [or k-th distance between some T and/or U points] |
sum of all k distances covered between all T and U points | |
[or ] | weight |
the shortest or most efficient return trip distance from S to T1 | |
combined return trip distance from S to T1 and U1 points | |
adjusted return trip distance from S to T1 (with U1 substracted) | |
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz | zzvvzzzzzzzzz-zzzzzzzzzvvzz |