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User:Corradini.riccardo/Books/Introduction to Astrodynamics

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Introduction to Astrodynamics


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Orbital mechanics
Newton's laws of motion
Newton's law of universal gravitation
Kepler's laws of planetary motion
General relativity
Orbital mechanics
Celestial mechanics
Lagrangian point
Orbital elements
Orbital elements
Semi-major and semi-minor axes
Orbital eccentricity
Orbital plane
Types of spaceflight
Sub-orbital spaceflight
Orbital spaceflight
Interplanetary spaceflight
Interstellar spaceflight
Orbital maneuvers
Launch window
Orbital maneuver
Parking orbit
Hohmann transfer
Bi-elliptic transfer
Low-energy transfer
Orbital plane change
Space rendezvous
Escape velocity
Gravity assist
Oberth effect
Atmospheric entry