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User:CopyTheCat/Christian Seidel

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Christian Seidel is a German writer and film producer. “Winning without fighting” published by Random House Publishing Group in 2011, is an autobiographical book, about his personal rediscovery of the values of life. A path which took him on a journey through the training of martial arts Tae Kwondo in Korea. Subsequently in accordance to these principles and values, he chose to leave a successful career as an international media manager. As a film producer he became known after his production of the feature film “The Biographer – The Secret Life of Princess Di” (2002), a film noir-style feature film about Princess Diana, (director: Philipp Saville, starring Paul Mc Gann, Faye Dunaway, Brian Cox and Huge Bonneville). It was based on the biography of Diana by Andrew Morton, published by Michael O’Mara in 1992, consequently causing a major scandal in the Royal Family. Together with British director Nicolas Roeg (“Don’t look Now”) Seidel produced the English art house film project “Sound” (2001) for BBC2, starring Claudia Schiffer, music by Adrian Utley (“Portishead”). He later executive produced all other episodes of this engaging art project, directed by Werner Herzog, The Quay Brothers and Hal Hartley.

Live and Career


After studying acting and the sciences of theatre at the university, he studied acting at the Munich acting school. He began an acting career appearing in various movies. Christian Seidel then began to write about airports for pilot magazines, despite knowing nothing about flying. As a journalist, he published the first interview with Indian guru Osho (also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) in magazines and newspapers worldwide. This work led him into the world of public relations, where he built a career as a public relations agent during the 80’s and 90’s. International success followed, because of his unique style of concept writing. This concept became the basis for financial backing of Andre Heller’s Luna Luna fun fair spectacle of 1987. An extravagant 6 million marks luna park, which attracted internationally known artists: Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Salvador Dali and David Hockney, amongst many to participate. It was the most expensive public relations project of the time.

He then started to manage news content for television stations. One of his best known deals, was the worldwide distribution of a private video, of two brothers who flew over the Berlin wall from East to West-Berlin with an ultralight aircraft. Seidel was the consultant of choice for various celebrities: Claudia Schiffer, Margaux Hemingway and Arabella Kiesbauer. As Executive Vice President of Program Marketing & Press of Germany’s Kirch Group, he was responsible for the international marketing campaigns of media giants, such as “The Indiana Jones Chronicles” by George Lucas, the new version of the “Scarlett”- television series and the “Junior”- label for children’s movies without violence within the film group. Seidel also created the TV For Nature project, which was the first international television campaign for the environment, with 36 television stations participating. He then became a producer for television programs and movies, producing hundreds of hours of talk-shows and television content for his company.

After Seidel survived a serious car accident in 2005 he stopped all his businesses and changed his life. He continued to pursue his personal passion, writing and the study of Asian philosophies. Seidel went to the Korean grandmaster Ko Eui-Min to learn the martial arts technique Tae Kwon Do. Thus developing an integrated technique for management coaching and leadership consulting, through the rediscovery of life values such as integrity, respect, awareness and their integration into modern business strategies. Together with scientists in Munich, he developed his awareness technique “Gaping” a project for the more valuable use of time for managers and busy people. In 2009 Seidel founded the V – Academy (Value Academy for a New Society). Since 2012 Christian Seidel has started a new project. He has changed his role as a male and is currently living as a woman, thus exploring the world of femininity and the dimension of how much the role play of genders is affecting his life and social behavior. He is currently writing his new book “The woman inside of me.”



Pryer Nick: “New Film will reveal secret drama of Diana” Mail on Sunday, 25.03.2001 “Diana, The book that almost never was” Daily Telegraph, 14.04.2001 Gates, Anita: “Summondes by a Princess” New York Times, 30.08.2002 Seidel, Christian: “Winning without fighting” (Random House, ISBN 978-3-453-28026-7).

