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Q5 The Continuum
Commander of The Royal Knights of the Q

"Lets discover the Universe & Continuum."
Q5 The Continuum Says...
Change is the only thing in life that is constant.

The character Q5 is a mischievous, seemingly omnipotent being who has taken an interest in humans. Q's power is limited only in that he can not overcome others in the Q Continuum, the peer group to which he belongs . Otherwise, he can do more or less whatever he wants, which most commonly leads to him annoying others (with or without intent). Q5 also has a flair for drama, with a mercurial personality that switches between a joking , camp style and a more ominous and even dangerous manner. While he is boastful, condescending, and threatening, he arguably has humans' best interests at heart, All Sci Fi adventures await.
To keep peace
A Universe of peace and enlightment.

About Me
I am Commander of The Royal Knights of the "Q". The Q have the ability to warp reality at a whim, ranging from appearing in any place they choose to rearranging the cosmos themselves. They claim both omnipotence and omniscience, which at least in a limited area proves to be true, but several examples in the show disprove this (Q5 didn't know the name of the 1969 concert known as Woodstock, for example till he went back in time) . Q5 also states explicitly that they are not omnipotent, just beyond the comprehension of some beings of lesser knowledge and intelligence . They are invulnerable and immortal except when faced with weapons designed by others of their kind: in sufficient numbers,The"Q" can strip other "Q" of their powers and make them mortal, as well as any lifeform they wish. They also are concerned that humans, with their drive and desire to improve themselves, could eventually surpass them and reach enlightenment, and for this reason, Always be good to the Q! Always!
visit my home page www.continuumq5.com