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Personal Biography


My name is Cyprian Nkondi.I work at Kenya Institute of Education(KIE).I work in the Division Technical,Industrial, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Trainining(TIVET).My duties and responsibilities are to facilitate and coordinate the development of curriculum and curriculum support materials in the area of TIVET in addition to other managerial responsibilities. In the Division I am also incharge of Consultancy services in the area of Business and Entrepreneurial Services.I hold a Bachelor Degree in Education and a MSC Degree in Entrepreneurship While currently peruing a Phd programme a local University.

Place of work


KIE is the National Curriculum and Research Centre charged with the responsibility of conducting research and preparing curriculum and curriculum support materials ffor all levels of education,below the University level. KIE operates under the Education Act(Cap 211) and Legal Notice No. 105 of 1976, which was amended through Legal Notices No. 144 of 1980,126 of 1984, and 125 of 2004.

Contact Address


My Postal Address is through the Institutional Address ie KIE P.O Box 30231 code oo100 Nairobi.Kie is located on the outskirts of Nairobi on Murang'a Road.



My intrests include reading, writing,research and listening music.

Work Published


I have written and published books and other teaching materials in education at the secondary level cycles in the area of Business Studies and Entrepreneurship.