[edit]- Host, Arne. "Dietary Used in Infants for Treatment and Prevention of Food Allergy." British Medical Journal. Vol 81. issue 1. 1999. Web: 4 Feb 2010.
- This is a good reference because it is a peer reviewed medical journal regarding protein allergies and covers vast areas of our project topic.
- O'Brien, Robyn. The Unhealthy Truth. New York: Crown Publishing Co, 2009.
- This is a good reference because it is a book written through a first hand experience dealing with protein allergies, preventions, causes, and what to do when someone has an allergy.
- Sicherer, Scott H, M.D. Understanding Your Child's Food Allergies. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.
- The reason this book is a good source is because it thoroughly describes how to detect an allergy, how to treat an allergy, and how to deal with the allergy.
- Guyton, Arthur C, M.D. and John E. Hall, Ph.D. Textbook of Medical Physiology. eleventh. Philadelphia: Elsevier, Inc, 20006. Print.
- This medical textbook is a great reference for it includes many aspects of the topic of protein allergies and is an all around medical book. It provides a great background of medical terms.
- Host, Arne. "Clinical Course of Cow's Milk Protein Allergy/Intolerance and Atopic Diseases in Childhood." Pediatric Allergy and Immunology. Vol 13, Issue 15: pg 23-28. 2002. Web: 4 Feb 2010.
- This online journal article provides a background in protein allergies, intolerances, and immunology.
- van Ree, Ronald, and Laurian Zuidmeer. "Lipid transfer Protein Allergy: Primary Food Allergy or Pollen/Food Syndrome in Some Cases." Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Vol 7: pg 269-273. June 2007. Web: 4 Feb 2010.
- This journal article provides an explanation for allergy intolerance on a molecular level.
- Exl, Bianca-Maria, Ph.D, and Rodolphe Fritsche, Ph.D. "Cow's Milk Protein Allergy and Possible Means for Its Prevention." Department of Nutrition. Vol 17 Issues 7-8: pg 642-651. Jul/Aug 2001. Web: 4 Feb 2010.
- This journal article provides detailed information about allergy prevention and the allergy.