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User:CladiusFernando/API Management Platform

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API Management Platform

An API management platform is a software product or suite of products that is used to manage a web-based API layer (eg: Restful or SOAP webservices).



The usual set of features available in an API management platform include but are not limited to: exposing, orchestrating, designing, monitoring, monetizing and deploying apis, providing supportive documentation to the api (aka developer portal), payload format conversion (eg: XML to JSON and vice-versa), enforcing RBAC.[1]















Traffic Management


Developer Portal


A developer portal is a supportive (usually interactive) documentation portal that is provided along with the actual api layer for the onboarding of developers. Most developer portals are interactive in nature (eg:StackExchange's developer portal for fetching answers ) as opposed to a collection of static documentation pages. The interactive nature of the portal helps developers trigger api requests and observe the response in real-time which in turn leads to a smoother learning curve. Most API management platforms provide a tool or product to create a generic out-of-the-box developer portal which can then be customized to fit the actual api layer.


  1. ^ "API Management Basic Info".