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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who I am


I'm Chris Gregory, and I've been using Wikipedia for years now. However, I've only recently decided to set up an account myself so I can make edits. If you happen to notice that I've done something wrong (or hilariously wrong, as the case may be) please let me know about it on my talk page. I'm a habitual Userbox abuser, and thus I feel the userboxtop template is the best thing ever. I also enjoy piping more than I should.

Where I go


I spend most of my time in the sections on photography (specifically black and white film photography), history (specifically medieval and Renaissance history), music (specifically early music) and astronomy, mainly because those are the fields I know the most about.

What I do


I generally try to avoid making substantial edits to pages, preferring instead to chime in with corrections to grammar, punctuation, formatting or conciseness. However, if something is grossly incorrect, I'll do what I can to provide helpful corrections. Keep in mind that I may make grammatical corrections to something that is later identified as vandalism, so make sure you revert back past my edits. I am not a grammar Nazi, and I do understand the distinctions between formal written language and English as she is spoke.

I hate drama, I hate edit wars, and I hate spam. A drama-filled edit war over spam was what prompted me to register here, and I will drop a train on people who use Wikipedia as a billboard.

She needs more power.

Some Awesome Examples of Vandalism


I dislike vandalism with a burning passion. However, sometimes it ends up being hilarious enough to almost want to keep. Here, then, are some examples of ones that very nearly escaped my wrath.

Book of Judith: "Judith was a strong woman who didn't need no man telling her what to do."
The History of Paraguy: Feat. Fat Boy López
Heydar Aliyev: Also hilariously known as Eetibar Garibov oglu Adelet.
Autocross allows both lightly modified cars and scrotum.
Additionally, special mention goes to for his sharp eye in noticing that President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia "looks like Scotty fro Star trek."
In a largely unrelated note, the article on the Apple Corps v. Apple Computer series of trademark cases includes a "See also" section that perfectly sums up one of the most baffling instances of immediate stardom in the history of the BBC: "During a live segment on Apple Inc. litigation, a moron in a hurry was thrown off by a confusing similarity between two guys... Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... Guy Goma!"