User:Chris Prince Udochukwu Njoku
@DrCPUNjoku * Change agent * ICT for education and development advocate and specialist * Digital rights campaigner * Information and knowledge management expert * Researcher * Translator * Educationalist * Trainer
_Passionate in helping people, organizations and communities seek, access, use and create knowledge (fully carving their niches in the digital ecosystem) to transform life and work
_Strikes from the centre-forward of University of Nigeria's Computer Communications Centre to get the institution's desired goals;
_Lead, Researchers on ICTs in Education in Africa (RICTHE Africa)
_Co-Chair, Internet Society Nigeria Chapter's Policy & Governance Working Group
_Africa's rappeuteur, Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2017
_Contributor to IGF Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion (2015)
MANTRA: We mustn't remain with old ways of doing things, especially if they aren't yielding optimum results.