Honey (lat. mel)is a sweet food produced by bees such as honeybees(apis mellifera), mason bees(osmia bicornis)and other wild bees.Bees produce honey from the secretions of plants. Honey has, when raw, bacterias(clostridium botulinum)that could be dangerous for children under 1 year old. Is honey always from bees? The answer is: no. There are countries that sale fake-honey which is made of sugar syrup and artificial flavours.The same is also with maplesirup. Why is honey so healthy? You may ask. Well, honey is very healthy because of all the bioactive substances and antioxidants.It is also healthy cause of the anti-inflammatory enzymes in it. It sure is healthier than normal sugar but it is also caries-promoted and may even be unhealthy for you when consumed in bigger amounts. Fun fact: Honeybees need to visit 2 million flowers to produce one pound of honey.They need to fly about 55000 miles. Fun fact number 2:Honey contains 80%sugars and 20%water. Last fact:Honey will never go bad as long as the lid is kept closed and no water is added.There where honey pots found that where 3000 years old ,in the tomb of pharoah king tut(egypt), that are still perfectly edible!
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