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User:CheesyToons/Bonus Stage

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Bonus Stage is a flash cartoon created by cartoonist Matt Wilson. It was hosted at a site called Keentoons.



Main Characters


Joel Dawson- Joel Dawson is the main character is bonus stage. He appears first in all the opening themes except the last one. He is a scientist, but also completely oblivious and often does inscredibly dumb things, such as selling his house or blowing himself up for no reason. He's created things such as the eShip, the Sitcom Reactor, and most importantly, June and Rya. He is the love obsession of THREE girls, Elly, Jessica, and June, but he doesn't really like any of them except Jessica. He's the one who suggested they go into space, and that they go to FifeCon. Joel has also created his own sit-com called Dad and Son. One thing he often does is to rhyme random words in his sentences.

Phil Argus- Phil Argus is often seen as the second most important character in Bonus Stage.He hates everyone except for Elly and is usually the butt of jokes. His friends often end up hurting or killing him somehow, and is plagued by Satan because he wished Hell away. He is not as smart as Joel, but he is more sensible, and often opposes Joel's ideas because of their stupidity.

Elly Strife- Elly is Joel and Phil's next door neighbor. Phil is in love with her, but she's in love with Joel. Elly is the reason why Rya joined the cast, and she was the most basic of characters in terms of design up until Season 4. She also opened a bar at her house for all the unpopular characters after seeing it on The Simpsons. She often complains about how she has barely any screen time, and is very resentful of this. Although she was claimed to be one of the three main characters in the first opening, she actually had a very small role for most of the series, and was the only main character left behind when the character went into space. She is resentful of her lack of screentime, and because of this she became Evil

Rya Botkins- Rya is a robot that was built by Joel. He released her to the public in Character 2, where Phil and Elly had to kill off each other to let her join the cast. Originally, Rya was sarcastic and flamed everyone. She was once married to Craig and had a baby named Rygar. In Evil's New Groove, Evil shut Rya off. She was reactivated in Ficus Group, where she became nicer and more like Elly. She can also sprout spider legs and has a laser cannon in her arm. Elly killed Treelor to let her join the cast. Out of all the BS characters, Rya has had the most changes in total (re-designs and voice changes). Eventually, she became a human so she could leave the world of Bonus Stage, but was killed almost immediately. She is permanantely dead.

Jessica Argus Jessica is Phil's mom. She came to live with Joel and Phil on Phil's birthday in First Cursh. Originally, she was an overly-religious zealot who felt that the devil has plagued them. Apon reaching their home, Evil activated the Sitcom Reactor and caused her to go back to being 25. She now goes out with Joel, and once gave him a bracelet that he lost in the eShip's filing system. Out of all the main characters, Jessica's the only one who hasn't died yet. She was a main character for most of the Space story arc, but eventually went insane and became more of a minor character.

Andrew Wonderful-

Andrew is Elly's boyfriend.


Umm... she's this chick.

Craig- Craig is one of the neighbors. He has red hair that looks like a lion's mane due to sideburns and a beard. He talks slow, and usually can't get words in. He once married Rya, but got a divorce when she pierced a hole through his crotch.

Rygar Rygar is the son of Craig and Rya. Craig later broke up with Rya, leaving Rygar to live with her. He is often homicidale, and seems to enjoy killing the other characters. Eventually, he died because Rya ate him for some reason. Although he is a minor character, he was featured in the opening for the space and underwater story arc.

Bonus Stage Gets Canceled


official website