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Week 3: Palpatine

  • Article is filled with information on wide selection
  • Palpatine is widely characterized as evil
  • Noticed that the "Sith Rule of Two" is not explained
    • This is important because it gives context to Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious) killing his master
    • This is a tradition first mentioned by Master Yoda in The Phantom Menace
      • In Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace, when responding to Mace Windu referring to the Sith, Yoda says "Always two there are. No more, no less. A master, and an apprentice.
      • Yoda is depicted going to an ancient Sith Lord's tomb (the one who created the rule of two) questioning the ghost of the Sith Lord about the origin of the rule in Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Lost Missions Season 6 Episode 13 - Sacrifice
        • Darth Bane: "[Do you] know why I am not forgotten?"
        • Yoda: "Created the rule of two, you did."
        • Darth Bane: "I chose to pass my knowledge on to only one. I created a legacy so resilient and now you come before me. Have you come to be my apprentice? You must kill me to be in my place. Citations:
      • "'Sacrifice.' Star Wars: The Clone Wars." Netflix, 2014.
      • Lucas, George. Star Wars, Episode I, the Phantom Menace: Illustrated Screenplay. New York: Ballantine, 1999. Print.