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User:Catverine/Kayamkulam fish

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Commercial Fish x 37


Flathead mullet, Greenback mullet, Longarm mullet , Largescale mullet, Gold-spot mullet, Bluespot mullet, Tade Grey mullet, Bluetail mullet, Commerson's glassy perchlet, Bald Glassy Perchlet, Greasy grouper, Tiger perch, Spotted catfish Milkfish, Longfin snake-eel, Largetooth flounder, Solea indica, Roughscale tonguesole, Speckled tonguesole, Barracuda, Pearlspot, Orange chromide Sulphur goatfish, Spotted Scat, Whipfin silver-biddy, Slender silver-biddy, Small Bengal silver-biddy, Common ponyfish, Splendid ponyfish, Shortnose ponyfish, Indo-Pacific tarpon, tenpounder, Fringescale Sardinella, Indian anchovy, Commerson's anchovy, Malabar thryssa Walking catfish

non commercial fish x 29


Northern whiting, Bigeye trevally, Black-tailed trevally, Congaturi Halfbeak, Long-billed halfbeak, Quoy's garfish, Chacunda gizzard shad, Milkspotted puffer, Diodon, Indian halibut, Chorinemus, Dusky sleeper, Tank Goby, Mangrove red snapper, Dory Snapper, Sleepy Goby, Sharptail goby, Spotfin Snouted Goby Indian short-finned eel, Macrognathus guentheri, Long whiskers catfishYellow catfish, Striped dwarf catfish , Scarlet-banded barb, Greenstripe barb, climbing perch, Indian carplet Spotted snakehead

Commercial prawn x 11


Giant tiger prawn, Indian prawn, Green tiger prawn, Metapenaeus dobsoni, speckled shrimp, Jinga Shrimp, Giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium idae, Macrobrachium Spence, Macrobrachium idella, Macrobrachium scabriculum

Non commercial prawn x 4


Caridina nilotica, Orange shrimp, Metapenaeus brevicornis, Macrobrachium equidens



Scylla serrata, Portunus pelagicus



mussels Asian green mussel, Brown mussel oysters Crassostrea bilineata

Black clamMeretrix