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Test[1] Description[1]
TWEAK A 5-item questionnaire that was originally developed for pregnant women at risk for drinking problems
Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) A 25-item scale designed to assess lifetime symptoms of alcoholism with a focus on late-stage symptoms
Brief MAST Shortened 10-item version of the MAST
Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test A second shortened version of the MAST that does not include questions pertaining physical symptoms of drinking
Veterans Alcoholism Screening Test A 25-item questionnaire similar to the MAST that distinguishes between current and past symptoms
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) A 10-item scale that focuses on symptoms experienced within the past year
Adolescent Drinking Index A 24-item scale developed specifically to assess the degree of an adolescent (age 12-17) individual's drinking problem
  1. ^ a b Allen JP; Maisto SA; Connors GJ (1995-09-11). "SElf-report screening tests for alcohol problems in primary care". Archives of Internal Medicine. 155 (16): 1726–1730. doi:10.1001/archinte.1995.00430160044005. ISSN 0003-9926.