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Solar hot water panels for heating a swimming pool

My name is John Canivan. I am new to Wikipedia and am not sure how to best use and best contribute to this extroadinary service. My main interest is "green technology" I believe that most of the stress that we live under has to do with "wondering too far from the roots" as Buckminster Fuller once said. We have a pervasive fear of being out of control. We allow religious organizations and government agencies and big business to make decisions for us. We build machines that replace us in the job market. We are hypnotized by TV programs, anker men, sports events and gossip. We have forgotten how to think and evaluate information and connect the dots.
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with TV or any other media. All I'm saying is there is more to life than following the "Pide Piper" down a dead end path. We are free to think and evaluate everything we read, hear, think and do. We are more than the automotons we build. I believe we have the ability to create our own stress free reality and live in a joyful place of discovery and creativity. A sunstaiable economy in which everyone benefits is possible and we can make it so.
I am looking forward to exploring the quality information in Wikipedia and hope to contribute in a positive way to this thoughtful organization.