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Trans-Canada High Speed Rail is proposed line through major cities of Canada, Sperating for 2 segments. First Segment is from Victoria, British Columbia, to Toronto, Ontario, had a length of 4,000 km for 600 billion dollars of the expeditures, and will offer from governments of "Republic of China". Upon complete, People going from Vancouver to Toronto will be up to only 15 hours with only third-one fares of airlines

Petroleum rapid transit, is to make transoprtation of petroleum and its product as convience as urban metros, offering exclosive harbors to make faster oil filling speed, high frequency of oil tankers, and working as same as operation of metros in gereral.

Several way to make this systems:

  • Exclusive harbors
  • "Pattern Diagram" of timetable and processes
  • several tens of embarking wharfs
  • Single type of tanker, and all in queue.

In this way, a hurdreds millions barrels of crude oil may be exported in one day, to make a country earn huge amount of wealth.

Whaling in Taiwan, (zh:賞鯨) a new booming activity since 1996 to watching whales and dolphins and smiliar marine creatures. Almost of wahling in eastern Pacific Ocean coast of Taiwan especially in coast of Hualien County.

Method to Whaling


We only using following to whaling: Eyes, Cameras, and open minds, and only for recreational propuse.



In recent year, number of tourist take of whaling activity has greaty grow to seeing natural sights. The opportunity is 95% to seem whales and other creatures due to black flow passing over offshoring from eastern Taiwan.