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CARLOS ALBERTO MONTANO MEJIA ( Poet, writer and advertising Guru )


Carlos Alberto Montaño is a Colombian poet in love with music and lyrics who manages to express in his verses and in his lines through his poetry a way of being and living, playing with words, silences, nuances and lyrics . Everything in his works seeks to bring out in an uncomplicated and unpretentious way, the feelings that move, passionate and afflict him. That is his work and his life since childhood, a singer in polyphonic choirs, a writer of stories and short stories, essays to what he insists on calling attempts; an art and literature magazine "Cronopia" of which he was co-founder and six of his books.

- In Legitimate Defense (love poems) 1991

- Wind Collection (collaboration with others authors) 1995

- The Lightning and the Thunder (spiritual poetry) 1996

- The Miracles Caused (poems and essays) 1997

- Icononzo. Deep Sea Rumor (Everyday Poems) 1998

- 36 short verses (verses playful) 2019

-Alchemy of a kiss (erotic poetry) 2020