User:Bytesock/WD Scopio Blue 160 GB
Hard disk: WD Scopio Blue - 160 GB - WD1600BEVT-22ZCT0
- Form Factor 2.5"
- Operating temperature 0 — 60 ⁰C
- Spindle speed 5400 rpm (90 rotations/second)
- Serial ATA 3 Gbit/s
- Buffer size 8 MB
- Non-Recoverable Errors 1 per 10^14
- LVTTL 3.3V Asynchronous communication port 115200 8N1
Design layout:
- Cache DRAM 8 MB
- Microcontroller, ARMv7 88i6745
- Three-phase spindle motor controller L7206
DRAM ; CMOS Synchronous 166 MHz, 4 banks x 1 Mbit x 16, LVTTL, 0 — 70 ⁰C
Motor controller ; SMOOTH, L7206 1.2 990C1 V5 MYS 99 936 ST (e3) 05
PCB top, facing the user
PCB bottom (facing spindle chassis)
The LVTTL asynchronous port is located above "R36" on the top side. In order from R36 towards the top the connections are: unknown, TX from hdd, RX to hdd, unknown. Console is enable by connecting a resistor 4k7 between test point P1 (+3.3V) and test point E6.
Communications parameters are 115200 8N1. The console when activated supports three commands:
- r <32-bit address> ; read 16-bit from address
- w <32-bit address> <16-bit data> ; write to address
- j <32-bit address> ; Jump or call code
- h ; Halt?
- Supports X-modem
JTAG is located on the top side PCB, opposite connection pad row of the "CON1" text. Counting from the marking "37" and left: GND, GND, GND, GND, GND, GND, GND, GND, RST, TDI, TMS, CLK IN, CLK OUT, TDO, E35, nc, GND, nc, nc.
Boot strap:
- Flash start at 0x0000 0000 translates to physical address 0xFFF0 0000
- Flash size is 0x30000
- System image header ID: 0x5A 04 00 00
Connection with a 4.7k resistor between E61 and GND. Makes the drive on powering on to perform a RAM test.