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I have lived for 28 years and seen many things that amaze me and change my mind every day.

There are 4 Parts to me I am a Artist,Designer,Author,Philosopher

The Artist is constantly planning future projects so that my creativity does'nt run out.

The Designer is redrawing and sketching the next idea I have for what ever project that come to mind for that moment.

The Author keeps gathering information to be written and twisted so that it is my own work and belief.

The Philosopher shows my own beliefs weither it theology or just common knowledge based on events I've seen or read about.

In all these two others exist my actuall carear paths: I am a Graphic Designer and Proud to be part of Artissin

But above all I am un unique and plain as the rest of the world that try to differentiate everyday.

I have one song that comes to mind and Its located on NIN The Downward Spiral Track # -- A warm place -- its at the verry end of the Cd.

I Am - Z and all this describes me.............