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Vaginal Davis whose has a multi-ethnic background being that her mother is black – creole mother, her father is Mexican-American and her grandfather was born in Germany. She was born at a time when doctors were assigning children with the binary male or female anatomy. Her mother did not let the doctor surgically operate and although her birth certificate states that she's male, her mother and siblings always referenced to her with female pronouns. It is not a surprise that her cross-cultural up bringing influenced her diverse, intersectional view of society and is reflected in her art.

There is much thought in the creation of vaginal Davis’ art as well as the titles that she chooses to use. Sabine women, which is a deep red sculpture is named after a group of women that were taken from the area of Sabine by roman men. tempeter Amar, from the same piece is to me a combination of the Sanskrit work Amar which means eternal, immortal and ever-lasting with the musical application of playing the trumpet. The third trio piece starting with the name Cybelle, I believe has a link to the Greek mother goddess. Essentially, an organ to make a necklace out of testicles with. Women who give birth, having a h responsibility to their children.

Edith Wharton was a writer who used humor and short stories to discuss the privileged class, by using her insight and privilege of the socio-economic class. Jane Powell was an entertainer with a unique voice who did not fit a stereotypical singer due to her short statute and her unique voice. Deanna Durbin was a canadian singer. Jeanne lavin founded the lavin fashion house as well as the beauty and perfume company called Lanvin perfumes.

If you look at her materials, she uses a lot of cosmetic and esthetic materials such as makeup, nail polishes, hair sprays and various hair products. Ink, chemicals, pencils and crayons. Herbs, plants. Her muses, and inspiration for the pieces are all strong Anglo-Saxon people who made an impact on society through their artistic talents, be that music, art, dance as well as activism. Her art makes you think about her materials, her message.

Davis art has really exploded over her career and has left her audience loving her unique art pieces and exhibits not only for their beauty but because of the thought provoking conversations they provide. Her exhibit entitle hag did just that. It references the queercore movement that sought to reclaim the word hag into a positive, powerful word once again.

Her winter installment feature Anglo-Saxon white women wearing makeup. These paintings and art are mostly named after prominent white women who in their own right made waves with their own uniqueness, art and activism. These characters being linked by their own stories of lesbian domesticity, gender confusion and/or activism. Her combination or art, privilege, politics and queer conscious raising is phenomenal. She provides a very progressive and contemporary way of learning.