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Internet Bottlenecks


Internet bottlenecks are places in telecommunication networks in which ISPs, or naturally occurring high use of the network, slows or alters the network speed of the users and/or content producers using that network. A bottleneck is a more general term for a system that has been reduced or slowed due to limited resources or components. The bottleneck occurs in a network when there are too many users attempting to access a specific resource. Internet bottlenecks provide artificial and natural network choke points to inhibit certain sets of users from overloading the entire network by consuming too much bandwidth. Theoretically, this will lead users and content producers through alternative paths to accomplish their goals while limiting the network load at any one time. Alternatively, Internet bottlenecks have been seen as a way for ISPs to take advantage of their dominant market-power increasing rates for content providers to push past bottlenecks.[1] The Federal Communication Commission has created regulations stipulating that artificial bottlenecks are in direct opposition to a free and open Internet.

Technical Details


The technical details surrounding Internet Bottlenecks are largely related to network congestion in which the user experiences a delay in delivering or accessing content. The bottlenecks can occur naturally, during high network use, or artifically created in order to prevent the network from experiencing overload.

The network demands of users continues to grow and with it so do the pressures on networks. The way current technologies process information over the network is slow and consumes large amounts of energy (cite). ISPs and engineers argue that these issues with the increased demand on the networks result in necessary bottlenecks, but the bottlenecks also occur because of the lack of technology to handle such huge data needs. There are attempts being made to increase the speed, amount of data, and reduce power consumption by the networks. For example, optical memory devices could be used in the future to send and receive light signals working much faster and more efficiently than electrical signals[2]. Some researchers see optical memory as needed to reduce the demands on the network routers in data transmission, while others do not[3]. The research will continue to explore possibilities for greater network bandwidth and data transfer. As data consumption needs increase, so will the need for better technology that facilitates the transfer and storage of that data.

Political Details


The policy infrastructure is an important facet to network neutrality. Network neutrality has been continually debated, but Internet bottlenecks have largely been lumped into the debate. The Federal Communication Commission published a new set of regulatory rules for ISPs on September 23, 2011, which took effect November 20, 2011.[4] This new set of regulations has three primary rules:

  1. Transparency. Fixed and mobile broadband providers must disclose the network management practices, performance characteristics, and terms and conditions of their broadband services;
  2. No blocking. Fixed broadband providers may not block lawful content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices; mobile broadband providers may not block lawful Web sites, or block applications that compete with their voice or video telephony services; and
  3. No unreasonable discrimination. Fixed broadband providers may not unreasonably discriminate in transmitting lawful network traffic.

Of these rules, setup by the FCC, only number 2 and number 3 apply to network bottlenecks. Network bottlenecks represent a specific part of that policy discussion in which ISPs are able to create network flows that are slower for competitors possibly leading customers to go to another website that is more easily accessed, which gives the parent or children companies of the ISPs an advantage. Thus, in the FCC's rule number 2 and 3 there are specific requirements that ISPs do not discriminate or restrict services to those companies who offer competing services similar to the ISP's services.

Alternatively, ISPs argue that the bottlenecks are necessary to create artificial control points that create a better experience for all users and content providers creating a more fair and balanced network system.(cite) Thus, there is a market-based approach to addressing the issue of bottlenecking by allowing the market to choose from other ISPs that are providing better network speeds, which may force the bottlenecking ISPs to reduce or remove the bottlenecks[5].

Internet bottlenecks are nested within the political framework surrounding network neutrality. Network neutrality is an Internet that is regulated by the government in order to maintain equal and equitable access to network resources by all interested parties.

The interested parties in this political issue include:

  1. ISPs - whose interest is to maintain profitability while maintaining quality service to a loyal consumer and content provider base.
  2. Advocacy groups - their goal is to regulate the ISPs. Advocacy groups believe the ISPs are misusing a public good that should be equally distributed to all people and organizations.
  3. Content provider - the institution that creates content on the web and distributes that content through networks belonging to ISPs.
  4. Individual consumer - the average person in the United States, who has home access to the Internet, wireless smart phone data use, or any other Internet access.



Organizations, such as the Free Press argue that Internet bottlenecks are unnecessary and used by ISPs to arbitrarily lead users to alternate websites, which may or may not be companies of the ISPs. Groups like Free Press, Consumer Federation of America, and Consumers Union argue that the ISPs have no reason to remove bottlenecks from the network. The ISPs can charge more money to content providers to push past the Internet bottleneck. However, Free Press argues that ISPs could alleviate bottlenecks for all by increasing available bandwidth[6]. Advocacy groups are not the only arm of pro-regulation; Google and other companies like Facebook and Wikipedia support regulatory policy that stops ISPs from placing network bottlenecks on content providers and consumers (cite). Thus, the pro-regulatory argument is for Network Neutrality. If network neutrality does not pass or is ignored than it is probable that ISPs will not increase bandwidth for all customers, but only provide bandwidth to those content providers with more resources. This approach is more of a market-driven approach, which is argued as being as in favor of ISPs[6].



Alternatively, the groups that represent the anti-regulation of Internet bottlenecks are Comcast, At&t, etc... They argue that their networks need the Internet bottlenecks in order to protect the use by all users within the network.

The Role of Government


The FCC has been tasked with designing and maintaining national broadband through the National Broadband Plan (United States).

The federal government has drafted several bills, x, y, z, but none have had any substantial win for either side.

From the Content Provider


Content providers are actors who have specific interest in gaining as much Internet traffic as possible, but they also have other competitors from other content providers. Advocacy groups argue that content providers need regulated fair access, while some content providers support this, others recommend a free-market system as suggested by Free Press. Those who can afford to bypass any Internet bottleneck will then have an advantage in network speeds, but will have to pay for it.

Subsequently, in some cases, peering, creating a physical connection between two networks to avoid other network transit services, has been used to bypass Internet bottlenecks by the user and content provider. There is some speculation that if there is no regulation of Internet bottlenecks, both users and content providers will simply create systems like peering to navigate around ISPs effectively neutralizing them. This may also lead to network security risks that would enable...(cite).

From the User



  1. ^ Reuters. "Net Neutrality Gets a Boost". Reuters. Retrieved 27 March 2012. {{cite web}}: |last= has generic name (help)
  2. ^ Nozaki, K., Shinya, A., Matsuo, S., Suzaki, Y., Segawa, T., Sato, T., Kawaguchi, Y., et al. (2012). Ultralow-power all-optical RAM based on nanocavities. Nature Photonics. Nature Publishing Group. doi:10.1038/nphoton.2012.2
  3. ^ Bourzac, K. (2012). Optical memory could ease Internet bottlenecks. NATURE. doi:10.1038/nature.2012.10108
  4. ^ The entire document can be read at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-09-23/pdf/2011-24259.pdf
  5. ^ Herman, Bill D. "Opening Bottlenecks: On Behalf of Mandated Network Neutrality" (PDF). Network Neutrality Policy. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS LAW JOURNAL. Retrieved 14 February 2012.
  6. ^ a b Scott, B., Cooper, M., & Kenney, J. (2006). Why Consumers Demand Internet Freedom Network Neutrality: Fact vs. Fiction (p. 23). Retrieved from http://www.freepress.net/files/nn_fact_v_fiction_final.pdf

Things To Add


Net Bias and how that affects the content used and provided.

  • Network Management
  • Tiered Service - you pay for the bandwidth/speed and access to the stuff you want.
  • Throttling - slowing down service
  • Packet Sniffing - finding certain data packets that use up too much bandwidth (Example: BitTorrent)

If you are participating in illegal activities the ISP can block your content from being accessed.

Is network congestion even possible anymore? According to the engineers from the FCC hearing, it is not.

  • David Cohen from Comcast - argues that large-scale downloading leads to network degradation, Comcast simply applying network management. "committee should maintain vigilant ..."
  • Yoo - prioritization and network management - all sorts of devices accessing Internet through different means leading to a wide variety of network congestion that can hamper the overall network stability.

Ideas from TOA

  • ATT "For our mobile broadband services, we've also developed a process to reduce the data throughput speed experienced by a very small minority of smartphone customers who are on unlimited plans — those who use 3 gigabytes of data or more in a billing period on a 3G or 4G smartphone, or 5 gigabytes or more on a 4G LTE smartphone." (http://www.att.com/gen/public-affairs?pid=20879)
  • Security Threats - both Comcast and AT&T employ language in their respective TOAs that indicates any security risks due to certain ports or websites will be blocked. It may be likely that this is a valid excuse to block certain websites that are deemed "unfavorable" by the companies.
  • Comcast network management site: http://networkmanagement.comcast.net/
  • Both companies argue that a small fraction of users have their speed throttled in order to reduce network congestion. For instance, AT&T says that 2% of their customers use 20% of the total capacity slowing speeds for others and causing congestion. http://www.att.com/esupport/internet/usage.jsp#fbid=lL5st6f07ot

Extra Writing


Internet bottlenecks are places in which the use and access to the Internet, both from a provider, content producer, and user stand point, become much slower than what speeds suggest are capable. This is due to network congestion in which the concerned party experiences a delay in delivering or accessing content. Internet bottlenecks and network congestion are similar at the network infrastructure level, but much different in terms of policy discussions. The implications of controlled bottlenecks through policy efforts on user and content producer experiences online can have positive and negative effects, of which are not addressed in network neutrality, which argues for the fair and accessible use of the Internet by all concerned parties.

have largely been discussed in terms of [Network congestion], which discusses more mathetical and high level inerpretations of what bottlenecks are and how to solve them from a network engineering perspective.

in order to make increased bandwidth available to all content providers rather than promoting a market-based system that favors the companies with more money that can pay for the increased bandwidth.

Thus, the pro-regulatory argument is for increased regulation in favor of Network Neutrality in order to make increased bandwidth available to all content providers rather than promoting a market-based system that favors the companies with more money that can pay for the increased bandwidth.

limitations in systems when a resource or component to maintain network represent a specific part of the network infrastructure that maintains the Internet that policy discussion in which ISPs are able to create network flows that are slower for competitors possibly leading customers to go to another website that is more easily accessed, which gives the parent or children companies of the ISPs an advantage.

The bottlenecks are in the ISPs favor according to Free Press. They argue that ISPs have two options for alleviating the bottlenecks: 1) increasing the amount of available bandwidth and 2)charging providers extra costs to get past the bottleneck. Free Press argues that the ISPs have no reason to improve bandwidth if, eventually, the network bottlenecks become so severe that the content providers will pay to have their content more easily accessible. http://www.freepress.net/files/nn_fact_v_fiction_final.pdf

The ISPs thus will establish a tiered system in which the highest bidder (content providers) will gain access to users of the content by paying for more bandwidth to bypass the Internet bottleneck.

Class Notes


- February 14, 2012 - pg 175 of piece left side down

Contemplative Thoughts and Questions


How does one teach a class in which all the references and history behind the course is primarily determined by our thought processes, which have been developing based on previous schooling? For example, my education has largely been determined by the history of the "West", which is generally rooted in the Romans and the Greeks. However, what does a Korean or Chinese student think of when they think of ancient philosophers and how can we incorporate both facets into a class?