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User:Bosef1/Power Pack

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Power Pack main table

Table of Power Pack types

(with PP3/E-size for scale)
Names Typical
(V) Dimen­sions
PP Other common ANSI IEC
PP1 6 H: 55.6
L: 65.5
W: 55.6
This battery had two snap connectors spaced 35 mm (1+38 in) apart.
PP3 See PP3 battery
PP4 226
NEDA 1600
IEC 6F24
1600 6F24 9 H: 50.0
Diameter: 25.5
PP6 246
NEDA 1602
6135-99-628-2361 (NSN)
IEC 6F50-2
1602 6F50-2 850 9 H: 70.0
L: 36.0
W: 34.5
Center distance between terminals is max. 12.95 mm with both offset 7 mm nominal from the wider battery edge. Mass is 120 g.
PP7 266
NEDA 1605
6135-99-914-1778 (NSN)
IEC 6F90
1605 6F90 2,500 9 H: 63
L: 46
W: 46
Center distance between terminals is max. 19.2 mm. Mass is 200 g.
6 H: 200.8
L: 65.1
W: 51.6
This battery typically had two snap connectors; however, four[clarification needed] connector versions are available. They were spaced 35 mm (1+38 in) apart. This type of battery is sometimes used in electric fencing applications.
PP9 276
NEDA 1603
6135-99-945-6814 (NSN)

IEC 6F100
1603 6F100 5,000 9 H: 81.0
L: 66.0
W: 52.0
This battery has two snap connectors spaced 35 mm (1+38 in) apart.
PP10 9 H: 226.0
L: 66.0
W: 66.0
This battery had two-pin connectors. They were a single ⌀3.2 mm negative pin and a single ⌀4.0 mm positive pin spaced 13.0 mm apart.
PP11 4.5 + 4.5 H: 91.3
L: 65.1
W: 52.4
This battery contained two independent 4.5 V batteries, and had a four-pin connector. 9 V with a center tap was available by wiring in series. There were two ⌀3.2 mm negative pins spaced 9.5 mm apart and two ⌀4.0 mm positive pins spaced 14.3 mm apart. Negative and positive pins were spaced 18.1 mm apart. It was used in some early transistor radio amplifiers with a Class B output stage, allowing the loud speaker to be connected between the amplifier output and the battery center tap.

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