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User:Bookku/Encyclopedic tools for content inclusion criteria

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Articulating 'Encyclopedic tools for content inclusion criteria'.
  • When people look toward you (Wikipedia), should you (Wikipedia) look other way?
  • Requesting inputs for the following opinion.:

The objective criteria to establish relevance which I would attempt to prove across articles in due course, may be with some amendments as discussions move on. I am using examples of instances other than crime against women also, to bring measure of objectivity.
1) Objective of fulfilling curiosity, 2)Measure of 'generational time value', 3) Scale of normality, 4) Scale of severity in case of incidences, 5) Boasting about fundamentals Vs. unexpected contrast, 6)Measure of Sanctity and breach there of, 7) Balance of criticism and answers to the criticism
Detail explanation with examples:
1) Other than collation of information and knowledge, encyclopedias serve objective of fulfilling curiosity where information/ knowledge is available.Serves indirect but substantial purpose of 'do you know?'
2) Measure of 'curiosity' brings in measure of 'generational time value'
Example: Reference to 'Jury system' is relevant and important to the article on U.S. justice system, since the system is still practiced. In south Asia in colonial times jury system was there which has been discontinued. Encyclopedic notability for historic usage of jury system in colonial times still remains in separate encyclopedic article. But present generations will be less curious about historic jury system in South Asia so as generation changes relevance reduces one can relegate information to secondary encyclopedic article. But where curiosity is existent relevance remains.
3) Scale of normality : Encyclopedic articles should answer what is.. too normal, normal, abnormal and too abnormal.
Example: A functioning democratic house of senate/ congress/ parliament member behave peacefully or not so peacefully can have a mention. In some parliaments houses members are reported tearing documents in some even throwing of chairs takes place, in some cases Autocrats like Hitler, Lenin take control of those houses some time, supporters behave as in case of Capitol Hill to hold the house hostage, in some cases terrorists attacked parliament houses as in case of Indian Parliament.
4) Scale of severity in case of incidences. An incidence of pick pocketing or stalking is too less severe to be considered of encyclopedic relevance. But groping mentioned in Mosque Me Too or sexual abuses whenever happen in precincts of Churches, Mosques, Temples and Madrasa or Schools those are considered serious and gain encyclopedic relevance. It was 9/11 severity brings relevance of attack on those towers articles.
5) Boasting about fundamentals Vs. unexpected contrast
Example 1 A theft by professional thief presents less contrast, A theft by notables eg. corruption at higher level than that of lower level presents more of unexpected contrast so that brings relevance.
Example 2 Ogling by Trump and Ogling by Obama both would count as examples of differing encyclopedic relevance in article about Ogling being contrast to expected behavior of American president. But it may be considered less severe to mention in the article about American presidents. Whether it is Bill Clinton or numerous sexual escapades high UK officials even consensual ones are considered unexpected hence bring in a measure of encyclopedic relevance in related articles. In Las Vegas ordinary fellow going to striptease game club is just normal will have lesser relevance to encyclopedic article but a Prince of UK or Thailand bring in much more relevance since a contrast to expectation is being presented.
Example 3: A naturist woman putting down clothes for recreation , a religious nudity in certain religion are too common and expected normal behaviours at those locations their encyclopedic relevance will be on account of normal behaviour. But a woman uses nudity as measure of protest gets relevance. or instances of forced nudity bring different relevance.
Example 4:Violence by drug dealer gangs presents less contrast to the expectation. Violence tactics by any Buddhists in Sri lanka, Myanmar brings encyclopedic relevance since being unexpected. Similarly other religion proclaims itself peaceful but existent violence or terrorism is contrast of claim or boasting that religions are peaceful brings relevance.
6) Sanctity and breach there of
Example: In Pakistan later generation leadership of Muslim league made political sloganeering at Mausoleum of Jinnah. They thought that is their democratic expression but other side of spectrum thought that as undermining sanctity of Mausoleum of founder of a nation and the controversy brings encyclopedic relevance in the article Mausoleum of Jinnah. Prayer houses whether in Mecca or in Istanbul they are associated with some value of sanctity and their historic or modern time, the instances of seizures bring in encyclopedic relevance in the concerned encyclopedic articles.
Sexual misconduct even in ordinary school premises is matter of concern and may be of encyclopedic relevance on case to case basis but certain institutions and monuments claim more sanctity there instances of breach of sanctity including majior sexual misconduct become encyclopedic point of view more relevant.
7) Balance of criticism and answers to the criticism
I hope above points help discussion on this point
8) 'safety' and 'human well being', are legitimate concerns of encyclopedic curiosity of encyclopedic audience. Audiences look towards encyclopedias as reliable media those being balanced even if not perfect enough. (Talk:SEPTA#When people look toward you (Wikipedia), should you (Wikipedia) look other way?)



